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107011 | Safety and Security Improvements (SEPTA)

Safety is a core value at SEPTA. All projects advanced in the capital program have a safety-first focus throughout. Having a comprehensive safety plan and program is part of SEPTA’s goal to promote safety and public health. This program includes life safety assessments and facility and vehicle safety and security measures. This program also includes projects funded with competitive U. S. Department of Homeland Security grant funds. The Authority is part of the Philadelphia Area Regional Transit Security Working Group (PARTSWG), which is working to advance safety and security improvements for all transit operations into and out of Philadelphia and the surrounding area.
Currently programmed projects include:
- Jenkintown Flood Mitigation - $19.98M (FY 2022 – FY 2023)
- Railroad Signal Power Reinforcement - $43.23 M (Prior Years – FY 2024 Construction)
- Sharon Hill Flood Mitigation - $15.37M (Prior Years - FY2023)
- Escalator/Elevator Improvement Program - $74.70M (Ongoing)
- Fern Rock Transportation Center Safety Improvements - $20.52M (Prior Years - FY 2022 Design) (Prior Years – FY 2024 Construction)
- Grade Crossing Enhancement Program - $22.17M (Ongoing)
- Safety & Security Infrastructure Hardening Program - $50.44M (Ongoing)
- Safety & Security Shop, Yard, & Office Hardening Program - $42.44M (Ongoing)
- Safety & Security Technology Upgrades - $30M (Ongoing)
- Suburban Station Ventilation Improvements- $12.82M (FY 2022 – FY 2024 Construction)
- Tank Replacement Program - $24.5M (Ongoing)
- NRG Station Ventilation Improvements - $10M (FY 2032 – FY 2034)
- On-Site Power for Major Facilities - $6.00M (FY2028 - FY2034)
- Fern Rock Transportation Center Pedestrain Access - $25M (FY 2024- FY 2035)
- Light Rail Vehicle Collision Avoidance System
- Vacuum Train Project - $1M (FY 2024 - FY 2030)

Limits: System-wide
Air Quality Code: S6

FY2023 TIP for PA Program Years (in Thousands)

Program Year Totals:$25,174$49,987$21,938$19,700 
Total FY23-FY26 Cost:$116,799Total FY23-FY34 Cost:$302,698 
All costs in thousands.

No milestones are available for this project.