90512 | SEPTA Bus Purchase Program (SEPTA)
SEPTA’s Bus Fleet Management Plan provides for the acquisition of different size buses based upon needs and route characteristics. The current bus fleet consists of a variety of buses. SEPTA is planning to fully transition to Zero-Emission Buses (ZEBs) by the year 2040 in support of SEPTA’s sustainability plan. The Zero Emission Bus (ZEB) Master Plan provides the groundwork for the bus fleet of the future. SEPTA has completed the first phase of analysis that examines the feasibility of procuring Battery Electric Buses (BEBs) and installing charging infrastructure to support the fleet. The next phase of the plan is evaluating Fuel Cell Electric Buses (FCEBs) and the necessary fueling infrastructure to support them. Current projects include:
Purchase of 340 40-foot Hybrid Buses - $339.35M (Prior Years - FY2027)
To ensure the reliability and continuity of bus operations while the ZEB Master Plan and transition plan is finalized, the Authority contracted with New Flyer to purchase 220 hybrid buses with an option for 120 additional buses totaling 340 buses, which SEPTA has executed. This bus procurement will allow SEPTA to retire the last of the 40-foot all-diesel fleet that is now more than 15 years old (purchased in 2005).
Purchase of 10 40-foot FCEBs - $22.24M (FY2023 - FY2026)
SEPTA was selected to receive an FTA Low or No Emission Vehicle Program grant award for the purchase of 10 hydrogen FCEBs (that will operate out of Midvale Depot) and the requisite fueling equipment.
Purchase of 20 Zero Emission Buses (Battery Electric and Fuel Cell Electric) - $32.45M (FY2024 - FY2026)
SEPTA’s purchase of 20 new ZEBs includes the following: ten (10) new 40-foot BEBs, five (5) new 60-foot BEBs, and five (5) new 60-foot FCEBs. The 10 new 40-foot BEBs will take advantage of Southern Depot’s existing charging infrastructure and be used in revenue service along with the ZEB Retrofit Pilot program and FCEB buses for evaluation. The purchase of five (5) new 60-foot BEBs and five (5) new FCEBs will be assigned at Allegheny Depot, in which BEBs will be used to evaluate overhead/on-route charging. Purchasing both technologies will enable SEPTA to expertiment the operation and maintenance benefits and costs to inform decision making for fleet transition to ZEB.
38 Trackless Trolley Buses - $58.25M (FY2024 - FY2027)
SEPTA will replace 38 trackless trolley buses that are reaching the end of their 18-year useful life.
Future Bus Purchases - $1,092.44M (FY2028 - FY2036)
Future bus purchases will be guided by the ZEB Playbook and the results of the Bus Revolution.
Funding for this program is also provided from MPMS #65109, FHWA Transit Flex to SEPTA. State funds programmed in MPMS #90512 each year will be applied as a state match for the flex funds programmed in MPMS# 65109.
Phase | Fund | FY25 | FY26 | FY27 | FY28 | FY29-36 |
PUR | 5307 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $13340 | $587122 |
PUR | 1514 | $24864 | $24863 | $4982 | $9678 | $223489 |
PUR | 5339 | $8562 | $7222 | $3508 | $9577 | $87715 |
PUR | LOC | $829 | $829 | $166 | $323 | $7450 |
Program Year Totals: | $34,255 | $32,914 | $8,656 | $32,918 | ||
Total FY25-FY28 Cost: | $108,743 | Total FY25-FY36 Cost: | $1,014,519 | |||
All costs in thousands. |