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81936 | Complete & Safe Streets Philadelphia: Vision Zero High Injury Network Corridors

The Complete & Safe Streets Philadelphia: Vision Zero High Injury Network Corridors Project will build critically needed protected bike infrastructure along corridors that are part of the High-Injury Network (HIN), and transportation safety improvements along key corridors located in historically disadvantaged communities and areas of persistent poverty.
The City will use funds to advance final design and construction for bicycle lane separation and traffic calming demonstration projects and construction for the High Injury Network priority projects. The City expects to use funds to complete final design for bicycle lanes on approximately ten centerline miles of roadway, all on roadway segments identified as part of both the High-Quality Bike Network and the High Injury Network.
Hunting Park - This is an important corridor that connects through multiple neighborhoods. It is on the High Injury Network, part of the High-Quality Bike Network, and identified as a priority corridor in the Vision Zero Capital Plan. The corridor is an important transit route, serving multiple bus routes including a forthcoming Direct Bus, continuing the Direct Bus connections from Roosevelt Boulevard. There is a transit hub at Wissahickon Avenue and a major high school, among other destinations. Currently, DVRPC is evaluating a separated side path to improve the corridor’s level of biking and walking safety.

Old York Road - This north/south corridor crosses Hunting Park Avenue and Roosevelt Boulevard, connecting multiple neighborhoods and existing/planned bike routes. It is on the High Injury Network. Design funding was approved through the 2022 Safe Streets for All award, and additional funding would see the project through construction and implementation.

Air Quality Code: S6

FY2025 TIP for PA Program Years (in Thousands)

Program Year Totals:$1,169$19,358$0$0 
Total FY25-FY28 Cost:$20,527Total FY25-FY36 Cost:$20,527 
All costs in thousands.

No milestones are available for this project.