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79910 | I-95: Margaret to Kennedy (Section BS2) (IMP) (Philadelphia City)

This phase of I-95 Section BSR covers the I-95 reconstruction from just north of Lefevre Street to Carver Street, and the removal of the northbound I-95 on-ramp at Bridge Street and the removal of the southbound I-95 off-ramp at James Street. A new southbound off-ramp will be constructed to Tacony Street where the Delaware Avenue Extension will begin. A new northbound on-ramp will be constructed from the Delaware Avenue Extension. This project includes work to: reconstruct northbound and southbound I-95 (four lanes in each direction) from just north of Lefevre Street to Carver Street. The viaduct that carries I-95 over Tacony Street and Bridge Street will be replaced; the Bridge Street northbound on-ramp and the James Street southbound off-ramp will be removed; Tacony Street from Aramingo Avenue to Barnett Street will be rehabilitated; the traffic signals at Bridge and Tacony Streets, and Bridge and James Streets will be upgraded; a shared use path will be constructed along Tacony Street from Aramingo Avenue to Van Kirk Street; and stormwater outfall(s) to Old Frankford Creek will be constructed. The existing noise wall along southbound I-95 will be replaced.
An investment of more than $2.7 billion will provide for the repair, reconstruction and restoration of I-95, a major facility built in the 1960's which runs through Bucks, Philadelphia, and Delaware Counties in the DVRPC region. Current construction efforts in Philadelphia, are addressing critical repairs on aging bridges and interchanges, and improve traffic flow, along the approximately eight miles of I-95 between I-676/Vine Street and Cottman Avenue (Sector A), by adding new ramps and creating a more consistent four-lane highway in both directions by eliminating lane-drops and providing continuous lanes connecting the on-off ramps. Appropriate pedestrian, bicycle, and transit facilities may also be expanded depending on the context of the construction section. The reconstruction of I-95 has been broken out to over 20 separate MPMS #'s, some of which appear in the Interstate Management Program, which is strictly for reconstruction components, and some of which appear in the DVRPC Regional TIP. MPMS #’s include: 17821 (Section GIR design: GR0, GR1, GR2, GR3, GR4, GR5, GR6, GR7), 47394 (Section CPR design: CP1, CP2), 47811 (Section BSR design: BS1, BS2, BS3), 47812 (Section BRI design:BR0, BR2, BR3), 47813 (Section AFC design: AF1, AF2), 79683 (Section CP1 construction), 79685 (Section CP2 construction), 79686 (Section GR1 construction), 79826 (Section GR3 construction), 79827 (Section GR4 construction), 79828 (Section GR5 construction), 79903 (Section BR0 construction), 79904 (Section BR2 construction), 79905 (Section BR3 construction), 79908 (Section BS1 construction), 79910 (Section BS2 construction), 79911 (Section AF1 construction), 79912 (Section AF2 construction), 80094 (Section GR0 construction), 83640 (Section GR2 construction), 87784 (Section BS3 construction), 98207 (I95 Congestion Management), 103553 (Section GR6 Construction), 103554 (Section GR7 construction), 103555 (Section GR8 construction), 102309 (I95 Corridor Drainage). Please refer to the DVRPC I-95 Reconstruction Project in Philadelphia Roadmap in the TIP for additional information about the various sections and corresponding MPMS#’s as well as notations on future and previous projects which may not currently be active and do not appear in the IMP or TIP.
This project is integral to the Delaware Valley Freight Corridor Initiative. Project CMP (Congestion Management Process) commitments include strategies such as improvements for transit users, bicyclists, pedestrians and drivers on the existing road network (operations). See DVRPC's 2007 and 2010 annual memoranda on supplemental CMP strategies for details related to this project. A final alternative for bridge rehabilitation or replacement is determined upon federal national Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) or state Categorical Exclusion clearance. Related sections of I-95 Reconstruction: MPMS #'s 17821, 80094, 79685, 83640, 79826, 79828, 102304, 102305.

Limits: Margaret to Kennedy
Air Quality Code: 2035M

FY2025 TIP for PA Program Years (in Thousands)

Program Year Totals:$40,000$40,000$16,682$0 
Total FY25-FY28 Cost:$96,682Total FY25-FY36 Cost:$96,682 
All costs in thousands.

No milestones are available for this project.