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70230 | Bells Mill Road and Valley Green Road over Wissahickon Creek (Philadelphia City)

Built in the 1800s, the Bells Mill Road and Valley Green Road bridges provide access to Wissahickon Valley Park, one of the citys noteworthy natural destinations, which experiences frequent flooding. Work includes bridge restoration, roadway rehabilitation, drainage improvements, guide rail replacement, and watershed improvements to reduce impacts from flooding and extreme weather events. Improvements also include restoration and creation of wetlands. See also MPMS #17581.
The Bells Mill Road Bridge is the only transportation link between the Roxborough and Chestnut Hill neighborhoods of Philadelphia. It is a key connector between the Ridge Avenue and Germantown Avenue corridors, both of which are heavily traveled. Additionally, the bridge provides motorists with access to Chestnut Hill Hospital. The Bells Mill Road Bridge also facilitates access to Wissahickon Valley Park and directly intersects with Forbidden Drive, a multi-use trail that traverses Wissahickon Valley Park’s entire length. Forbidden Drive is a core part of the Philadelphia Circuit Trails network, connecting with other multi-use trails regionwide.
The Valley Green Road Bridge, which crosses the Wissahickon Creek, is more recreational and is actively used by pedestrians and cyclists. For motorists, the Valley Green Road Bridge has less regional connectivity than the bridge on Bells Mill Road. However, the Valley Green Road Bridge remains an integral gateway to the Wissahickon Valley Park, especially for pedestrians and cyclists.
A final alternative for bridge rehabilitation or replacement is determined upon federal National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) or state Categorical Exclusion clearance.

Limits: Ridge Avenue to Germantown Avenue
Air Quality Code: S19

FY2025 TIP for PA Program Years (in Thousands)

Program Year Totals:$4,550$13,356$0$0 
Total FY25-FY28 Cost:$17,906Total FY25-FY36 Cost:$17,906 
All costs in thousands.

No milestones are available for this project.