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47979 | North Valley Road over Amtrak (Willistown Township & Tredyffrin Township, Chester County)

This project will look to replace the existing bridge on North Valley Road (SR1005) over Amtrak/SEPTA (BMS # 15-1005-0080-1331 adjacent to the Paoli Train Station) with a new bridge across from the intersection of Lancaster Avenue and Darby Road. It is being planned as one element of the Paoli Intermodal Transportation Center, which would upgrade Chester County’s most utilized train station which currently serves Amtrak, SEPTA’s Paoli/Thorndale Regional Rail Line, as well as various bus routes.
This project also includes the addition of a new access road from Lancaster Ave to the Paoli Station, traffic signal improvements, and a single-lane roundabout at Central Ave & N.Valley Rd.
See MPMS #60574 for transit components of the Paoli Transportation Center. The North Valley Road Bridge is functionally obsolete and has substandard vertical geometry.

Limits: US 30, Lancaster Avenue/North Valley Road/Central
Air Quality Code: S19

FY2025 TIP for PA Program Years (in Thousands)

Program Year Totals:$3,270$8,020$3,020$5,520 
Total FY25-FY28 Cost:$19,830Total FY25-FY36 Cost:$32,080 
All costs in thousands.


PhaseMilestoneEstimated Date
ROWStart of Phase2015-10-01
ROWCompletion of Phase2017-10-01
ROWPhase Approved by PMC
ROW4232 Approved by FHWA
ROWPlan to ROW Unit2018-10-15
CONPhase Approved by PMC
ROWPlan to Central Office
ROWPhase on Approved STIP
CONPhase on Approved STIP
CONAward Contract2024-08-24
CONStart of Phase2024-09-23
CONNotice to Proceed2024-09-23
CONPhysical Work Complete2027-08-07
CONCompletion of Phase2028-04-24
CONProject Agreement End Date2029-02-04