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17918 | I-95, Transit Improvements/FLEX (Cornwells Heights) (Various, Bucks County)

In Philadelphia and Bucks Counties, funds will be used for the continuation of SEPTA's shuttle bus operations between the Cornwells Heights SEPTA Station and adjacent PENNDOT Park and Ride lot. This service serves as a CMP (Congestion Management Process) commitment for I-95 reconstruction projects.
Project CMP (Congestion Management Process) commitments include strategies such as improvements for transit users, bicyclists, pedestrians, and drivers on the existing road network (operations). See DVRPC’s annual memoranda on supplemental strategies for details related to this project.

Limits: Cornwells Heights Shuttle Bus Operations
Air Quality Code: M1

FY2025 TIP for PA Program Years (in Thousands)

Program Year Totals:$661$661$0$0 
Total FY25-FY28 Cost:$1,322Total FY25-FY36 Cost:$1,322 
All costs in thousands.


PhaseMilestoneEstimated Date
CONPhase Approved by PMC
CONNotice to Proceed1998-02-13
CONStart of Phase1998-02-15
CON4232 Approved by FHWA
CONOpen to Traffic2000-04-15
CONPhase on Approved STIP
CONCompletion of Phase2024-02-28
CONPhysical Work Complete2023-12-30
CONProject Agreement End Date2025-06-29