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15251 | US 1 and PA 352 Interchange, Intersection, and Roadway Improvements (Middletown Township, Delaware County)

This project will entail the reconstruction and reconfiguration of this cloverleaf interchange, originally built in 1939.
This project involves reconstructing the US 1/PA 352 interchange at the terminus of the Media Bypass, upgrading roads and
intersections, and traffic signals. Project includes improvements along US 1 beginning at the intersection with PA 452 to east of
the Media Bypass, and along PA 352 beginning north of the Williamson Free School entrance drive to the intersection of PA 352 /
PA 452. Local street improvements are included to improve circulation and provide access. Pedestrian facilities will be included in improvements.
This road segment is included in the Delaware County Bicycle Plan.SEPTA 110, 111, 114, and 117 bus routes use Routes 1 and 352.
$81.081M out of an estimated $427M (2023 CON estimate of $299M YOE’d to FY33) is programmed for construction beginning in FY33. The construction balance that is not shown in FY35-FY36 is in the Long-Range Plan.

Limits: At PA 352/Middletown Road
Air Quality Code: R3

FY2025 TIP for PA Program Years (in Thousands)

Program Year Totals:$0$2,615$2,615$5,209 
Total FY25-FY28 Cost:$10,439Total FY25-FY36 Cost:$167,503 
All costs in thousands.


PhaseMilestoneEstimated Date
FD4232 Approved by FHWA
ROWPhase Approved by PMC
CONPhase Approved by PMC
UTLPhase Approved by PMC
UTLStart of Phase2008-06-15
ROWStart of Phase2009-06-15
FDPhase Approved by PMC
UTLCompletion of Phase2018-06-15
ROWCompletion of Phase2018-06-15
FDCompletion of Phase2020-06-15
FDPhase on Approved STIP
ROWPhase on Approved STIP
FDStart of Phase2025-10-15
ROWPlan to ROW Unit2026-12-15
UTLPlan to Utility Unit2026-12-15
FDPS+E to District Contract Management2028-12-15
CONAward Contract2029-07-15
CONStart of Phase2029-08-14
CONNotice to Proceed2029-08-14
CONPhysical Work Complete2032-06-18
CONCompletion of Phase2032-12-18
CONProject Agreement End Date2033-12-17