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13716 | Headquarters Road Bridge Over Tinicum Creek (Tinicum Township, Bucks County)

This project involves rehabilitating or replacing the Headquarters Road Bridge over Tinicum Creek in Tinicum Township, Bucks County. This bridge is poor condition, functionally obsolete, and currently closed to traffic due to its deteriorated condition. The bridge is a contributing resource to the Ridge Valley Rural Historic District which is listed in the National Register of Historic Places. A final alternative for bridge rehabilitation or replacement is determined upon completion of the review process required by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and its supporting regulations.
The existing structure is an 80’ long, three-span concrete-encased steel stringer bridge with stone masonry abutments and piers over Tinicum Creek. No utility conflicts are anticipated.

Limits: Over Tinicum Creek
Air Quality Code: S19

FY2025 TIP for PA Program Years (in Thousands)

Program Year Totals:$100$0$0$0 
Total FY25-FY28 Cost:$100Total FY25-FY36 Cost:$100 
All costs in thousands.


PhaseMilestoneEstimated Date
CONPhase Approved by PMC
CONCash Flow Start2006-06-15
CONStart of Phase2021-10-13
CONCompletion of Phase2023-05-23
CONCash Flow End2015-10-25
CONFinal ROW Clearance
CONFinal Utility Clearance
CON4232 Approved by FHWA
CONAward Contract2022-02-14
CONNotice to Proceed2022-04-04
CONPhase on Approved STIP
CONPhysical Work Complete2023-03-24
CONReimbursement Agreement2023-11-19
CONProject Agreement End Date2024-09-21