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106654 | I-95 Transportation Demand Mgt (TMA) (Various)

Perform outreach on TDM options specifically to employers and employees located and/or working along the I-95 corridor currently under construction, in order to help reduce traffic congestion and improve accessibility to a variety of safe and affordable modes of travel during construction that can delay and reroute travel.
This project supports contractor work to educate targeted employers about TDM options and encourage them to implement commute alternative programs and benefits, as well as encourage commuters to choose travel alternatives to the singleoccupancy vehicle (SOV). Similar to the PA TDM Base program, but specific to this defined geographic area, this work can include educational programming, promotional materials and placements, and relevant services and programming.
PennDOT is in the midst of a long-term initiative to rebuild and improve I-95, a critical corridor for the movement of commuters and goods between the City of Philadelphia and neighboring counties. Delays from traffic congestion, already commonplace on I-95 during peak commute times, are further exacerbated by crashes and construction. Proactive steps are needed to ensure that the public is educated on both the nature and timing of these upcoming construction projects and made aware of alternative means of commuting that will help to lessen the impact of these projects on traffic flow.
The goal of the TDM implementation strategy is to help mitigate congestion on I-95 during (and beyond) construction by reducing the number of drivers on the road, particularly during AM and PM peak hours. With a considerable number of the region’s workers adopting teleworking during the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a unique opportunity to utilize marketing efforts to promote the continuation of teleworking following the pandemic’s end as a means to minimize traffic within the construction area.
To achieve this goal, the participating TMAs/subrecipients will engage in direct outreach to employers, employees, and residents of the targeted areas, as appropriate. A particular focus will be placed on minimizing a shift to SOV commuting along the I-95 corridor in the recovery from COVID-19, by promoting telework, biking, and transit use.
1. Develop two-year Work Programs, updated annually.
2. Ensure this work involves outreach to both employers located along or near I-95, and the general commuting public using this corridor.
3. Utilize the DVRPC communications guide and coordinated materials whenever possible; some may need to be revised or new ones created for specific construction segments or issues.
4. Plan and coordinate TDM education and outreach efforts and placement of relevant materials; using cooperative efforts whenever possible is encouraged.
5. Submission of monthly or quarterly invoices and reports for each of nine subrecipients.

Limits: Philadelphia
Air Quality Code: NRS

FY2025 TIP for PA Program Years (in Thousands)

Program Year Totals:$0$465$0$0 
Total FY25-FY28 Cost:$465Total FY25-FY36 Cost:$465 
All costs in thousands.


PhaseMilestoneEstimated Date
PRAPhase Approved by PMC
PRAStart of Phase2016-10-01
PRA4232 Approved by FHWA
PRACompletion of Phase2019-09-30
PRAPhase on Approved STIP