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105291 | The Circuit Line Item (Various)

This program provides funds for advancing the Circuit Trail Projects. Regional Trails Program funding from the William Penn Foundation was provided to design Circuit trail projects according to the PennDOT process in order to prepare them for a variety of federal and state construction funding opportunities. $16.7 million in CMAQ funding will be used to advance CMAQ eligible Circuit projects to construction. $44.3 million in CRPU and $9 million in CRP will be used to advance Carbon Reduction eligilbe projects to construction. The following projects are included in this line item:
1) Delaware - Chester Creek Trail Phase 2 MPMS# 116147;
2) Philadelphia - Parkside Cynwyd Trail MPMS# 116126;
3) Philadelphia - Wissahickon Gateway Trail MPMS# 116125.
Circuit Trails projects to be funded with Carbon Reduction funding (CRPU/CRP):
Chester Valley Trail - Ship Rd to Gallagherville MPMS #81789
East Coast Greenway - Eddystone and Ridley MPMS #82009
Projects will be broken out at the appropriate time.
This project is part of the Circuit Trails. The Circuit is a planned 800-mile interconnected network of multi-use trails spanning Greater Philadelphia with Philadelphia and Camden as its hub, and is included in DVRPC’s Long-Range Plan. Existing and future Circuit Trails are required to meet minimum design standards (10-feet wide, paved, and separated from traffic with limited exceptions) to reflect their intended use as the arteries of a dedicated, regional, non-motorized transportation system. Circuit Trails located near and connecting to downtown Philadelphia are already used heavily for transportation purposes, and the implementation of the network will further encourage the surging growth of bicycle commuting in the region. At 2.2%, Philadelphia has the highest bike-to-work percentage of the 10 largest cities in the country and the 11th highest of the 70 largest cities according the 2016 American Community Survey.
Projects that were part of this Line Item and have since been broken out to their own individual projects are listed below:
1) Bucks - Newtown Branch Rail Trail - Southampton Twp. MPMS #105847;
2) Montgomery - Chester Valley Trail Extension Design Supplement for MPMS #16705.

Limits: Districtwide
Air Quality Code: A2

FY2025 TIP for PA Program Years (in Thousands)

Program Year Totals:$0$4,159$0$841 
Total FY25-FY28 Cost:$5,000Total FY25-FY36 Cost:$70,045 
All costs in thousands.


PhaseMilestoneEstimated Date
CONStart of Phase2015-06-12
CONPhase Approved by PMC
CONCompletion of Phase2020-09-30
CONPhase on Approved STIP