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X233 | Motor Vehicle Crash Record Processing (Various)

The Bureau of Transportation Data and Support (BTDS), Crash Records Unit is responsible for collecting crash reports annually. These records, which are provided by police, are used to identify causes, determine areas of focus, prioritize locations of high crash frequency, and develop effective traffic safety countermeasures. The activities include crash records processing, ARD application, and vendor management for crash records and electronic data transfer.

Limits: Motor Vehicle Crash Record Processing
Air Quality Code: X1

FY2024 TIP for NJ Program Years (in Millions)

Program Year Totals:$6.400$6.400$6.400$6.400
Total FY24-FY27 Cost:$25.600Total FY24-FY33 Cost:$64.000 
All costs in millions.

No milestones are available for this project.