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D1914 | Mount. Ephraim Avenue Safety Improvements, Ferry Avenue (CR 603) to Haddon Avenue (CR 561) (City of Camden, Camden County)

The extent of parking lanes hampers pedestrian visibility/crossings and the lack of shoulders makes bicycling along the corridor undesirable and unsafe. Project limits are broken out into 3 sections:
Section 1- Pine Street to the north of Mt. Vernon Street is currently one lane in the northbound direction and two lanes in the southbound direction and parking on the east side of the roadway. The preferred alternative will provide one lane in each direction with bicycle lanes on both sides and parking on the east side.
Section 2- Chestnut Street to Decatur Street is currently one lane in each direction with parking on both sides. The preferred alternative will provide one shared lane (with bicycle) and parking on both sides.
Section 3- Dayton Street to Ferry Avenue is currently two lanes in each direction. The preferred alternative will provide one lane in each direction with bicycle lanes on both sides and parking on the east side. The existing roadway width and sidewalk width in Section 3 will be maintained but roadway width will be reduced to increase the sidewalk width, on the easterly side by two feet in Sections 1 and 2.
The alternative will also install curb extensions (bulb-outs) at every corner through the corridor, to improve visibility of pedestrians and reduce pedestrian crossing distances, except where driveways and / or bus stops limit their installation, with ADA compliant ramps. Parking and bicycle lanes would be striped for delineation. 12 additional on-street parking spaces will be created.

Limits: Mount. Ephraim Avenue Safety Improvements, Ferry Avenue (CR 603) to Haddon Avenue (CR 561)
Air Quality Code: 2035M

FY2024 TIP for NJ Program Years (in Millions)

Program Year Totals:$0$0$0$0
Total FY24-FY27 Cost:$0Total FY24-FY33 Cost:$0 
All costs in millions.

No milestones are available for this project.