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91490 | Expressway Service Patrol - Philadelphia (Philadelphia City)

This project is a breakout of MPMS #69801, and will provide for the operation of emergency service patrols on congested state highways to detect and clear incidents rapidly by providing emergency assistance to stranded motorists. Approximately half of all delays experienced by highway users in congested areas are caused by traffic accidents, vehicle breakdowns, and other incidents. Prompt incident management programs such as this, can reduce delays significantly. Service will be provided on 30 linear miles including: I-76, I-95, and I-676 in Philadelphia.

Limits: I-76, I-95, and I-676 in Philadelphia
Air Quality Code: S2

FY2025 TIP for PA Program Years (in Thousands)

Program Year Totals:$1,350$1,350$0$0 
Total FY25-FY28 Cost:$2,700Total FY25-FY36 Cost:$2,700 
All costs in thousands.


PhaseMilestoneEstimated Date
CONPhase Approved by PMC
CON4232 Approved by FHWA
CONCash Flow Start
CONStart of Phase
CONPhase on Approved STIP
CONCompletion of Phase2023-08-18
CONProject Agreement End Date2026-08-31