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90497 | Infrastructure Safety and Renewal Program (SEPTA)

The annual Infrastructure Safety Renewal Program (ISRP) provides for the restoration by SEPTA forces of SEPTA's City and Suburban transit and railroad infrastructure to a state of good repair.
Projects to be advanced include:
-Track and Right-of-Way - Renewal or replacement of track, switches, and special work including yard and shop areas, track surfacing, culverts, bridges, retaining wall, and grade crossing improvements.
-Station Facilities - Rehabilitation of station buildings and associated facilities including roofs and canopies, ticket offices and waiting rooms, platforms, lighting, sanitary facilities, parking, and accessibility improvements.
-Communications and Signals Systems - Rehabilitation of signal systems and select communications equipment.
-Power Systems - Rehabilitation of electric traction and power systems and associated components including catenary and support structures, feeders and transmission lines, and localized and centralized control facilities.
-Maintenance/Support Facilities - Rehabilitation of shops, maintenance/storage yards, and associated maintenance and support facilities, including improvements or replacement of air compressors, sump pumps, tunnel lighting, duct banks, vehicle servicing equipment, and other support functions.

Limits: System-wide
Air Quality Code: M8

FY2025 TIP for PA Program Years (in Thousands)

Program Year Totals:$62,273$63,521$64,798$66,085 
Total FY25-FY28 Cost:$256,677Total FY25-FY36 Cost:$835,227 
All costs in thousands.

No milestones are available for this project.