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79832 | North Delaware Riverfront Greenway project, Sec 3 (Philadelphia City)

The City of Philadelphia Parks and Recreation and Riverfront North Partnership (formerly known as Delaware River City Corporation (DRCC)) are working together to complete the multi-use trail network known as the North Delaware River East Coast Greenway. The bike/pedestrian trail covers the North Delaware riverfront consists of four sections. The Tacony Holmesburg Trail, Section 3, is approximately two miles long and begins at Princeton Avenue and runs north along the river’s edge into the existing Pennpack Park trail.
MPMS #79830 - Section 1/N Del Riverfront Greenway/K&T Trail Phase 2
MPMS #61712 - Section 2/N Del Riverfront Greenway/Kensington & Tacony
MPMS #79832 - Section 3/N Del Riverfront Greenway/Tacony Holmesburg Trail
MPMS #79833 - Section 4/N Del Riverfront Greenway/Baxter Trail
-PA ID #242 - $471,425 remains of the original $546,425 from 2003 Appropriations Bill.
-PA ID #262 - $183,994 remains of the original $750,000 from 2004 Appropriations Bill.
-PA ID# 464 - $0 remains of the original $8,000,000 from SAFETEA DEMO #2649.
-PA ID# 615 - $1,907,557 remains of the original $3,000,000 from SAFETEA DEMO #4805.
-PA ID# 671 - $6 remains of the original $500,000 from SAFETEA DEMO #363.

Limits: Milnor/Disston Sts. to Pennpack Cr
Air Quality Code: A2

FY2025 TIP for PA Program Years (in Thousands)

Program Year Totals:$0$2,731$0$0 
Total FY25-FY28 Cost:$2,731Total FY25-FY36 Cost:$2,731 
All costs in thousands.


PhaseMilestoneEstimated Date
CONPhase Approved by PMC
CONPhase on Approved STIP
CONStart of Phase2023-10-15
CONAward Contract2024-12-11
CONNotice to Proceed2025-01-15
CONCompletion of Phase2026-04-19
CONPhysical Work Complete2026-10-17
CONProject Agreement End Date2028-04-16