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69817 | US 322, Featherbed Lane to Chelsea Parkway (Section 102) (Upper Chichester Township, Bethel Township & Concord Township, Delaware County)

This project section involves the widening and improving of SR 322 to a four-lane typical section with a grass median from east of Mattson Road/Featherbed Lane near Clayton Park and the Concord Township/Bethel Township line through Bethel Township to just east of Chelsea Parkway in Upper Chichester Township.
The following improvements will be implemented:
•The existing two-lane section of SR 322 will be widened to 4 lanes. A fifth center lane will accommodate left turns into and out of adjacent commercial properties.
•Limited widening to the north or about the center will be done at some locations to minimize sound barriers. Retaining walls will also be constructed in this section.
• A new traffic signal will be constructed at the intersection of Garnet Mine Road and the SR 322 eastbound ramps.
•Left turns from and into Colonial Drive will be eliminated.
•The existing traffic signal at the Bethel Road Connector and left turn lanes on SR 322 will be reconstructed.

•The total estimated cost for this project section is $184,752,570.
•The anticipated let date is August 21, 2025.
•The anticipated completion date is September 21, 2029.
See MPMS #14747 for design funding. MPMS #'s 69815, 69816, 69817, and 114034 contain construction phases for the US 322 project
TEA-21 DEMO 0486 - PA ID #116 - $13,220,615
Project CMP (Congestion Management Process) commitments include strategies such as improvements for transit users, bicyclists, pedestrians, and drivers on the existing road network (operations). See DVRPC’s 2009 annual memoranda on supplemental strategies for details related to this project.

Limits: Featherbed Lane to Chelsea Parkway
Air Quality Code: 2045M

FY2025 TIP for PA Program Years (in Thousands)

Program Year Totals:$19,942$19,942$19,942$11,079 
Total FY25-FY28 Cost:$70,905Total FY25-FY36 Cost:$159,537 
All costs in thousands.


PhaseMilestoneEstimated Date
ROWPhase Approved by PMC
ROWPlan to ROW Unit2015-12-15
ROWStart of Phase2005-06-15
ROWCash Flow Start
ROWCompletion of Phase2015-11-15
ROWCash Flow End2016-02-08
ROWPlan to Central Office
ROW4232 Approved by FHWA
CONPhase Approved by PMC
ROWPhase on Approved STIP
CONAward Contract2025-09-22
CONStart of Phase2025-10-22
CONNotice to Proceed2025-10-22
CONPhysical Work Complete2029-09-28
CONCompletion of Phase2030-02-15
CONProject Agreement End Date2031-03-29