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13635 | Oxford Valley Road/Lincoln Highway Intersection Improvements (Falls Township & Middletown Township, Bucks County)

The proposed scope of work includes the reconstruction of N. Oxford Valley Road (SR 2029) as it approaches the Lincoln Highway (SR 2037) intersection from the north and south, in Falls and Middletown Townships, Bucks County, PA. Bristol-Oxford Valley Road (SR 2029) will be re-aligned to intersect N. Oxford Valley Road (SR 2053) to form a new signalized intersection across from the Oxford Point Shopping Center. The project limits extend along SR 2029 1,200 to the south of Lincoln Highway (SR 2037), and 750 to the north of Lincoln Highway (SR 2037). The project limits along SR 2053 begin at the new re-aligned intersection with SR 2029 and extend 383 to the south. The project limits along SR 2037 extend 1,017 to the west of SR 2029, and 930 to the east of SR 2029.
Improvements at the intersection of Oxford Valley Road (SR 2029) and Lincoln Highway (SR 2037) include widening of both roadways for dual left-turn lanes at all 4 (four) approaches to the intersection, and for a northbound right-turn lane. The project includes modification of curb radii and concrete islands, new curb, sidewalk, and ADA compliant curb ramps. The existing traffic signals and mast arms will be replaced, and new drainage structures such as inlets, manholes, and pipes will be installed throughout the project limits. Traffic signal improvements will include signal optimization, emergency pre-emption, and video detection. No structures are included with this project.

Limits: At US 1 and Bristol/Levittown Parkway
Air Quality Code: R1

FY2025 TIP for PA Program Years (in Thousands)

Program Year Totals:$4,256$1,460$2,460$2,460 
Total FY25-FY28 Cost:$10,636Total FY25-FY36 Cost:$14,636 
All costs in thousands.


PhaseMilestoneEstimated Date
ROWPhase Approved by PMC
ROW4232 Approved by FHWA
ROWStart of Phase
ROWCash Flow Start2000-04-14
CONPhase Approved by PMC
UTLPhase Approved by PMC
UTL4232 Approved by FHWA
ROWCash Flow End2012-07-22
ROWCompletion of Phase
UTLCompletion of Phase
UTLCash Flow Start2012-06-22
UTLStart of Phase2020-10-15
ROWPlan to ROW Unit2021-03-15
UTLPlan to Utility Unit2021-03-15
ROWPhase on Approved STIP
UTLPhase on Approved STIP
CONPhase on Approved STIP
CONAward Contract2024-07-20
CONStart of Phase2024-08-19
CONNotice to Proceed2024-08-19
CONCompletion of Phase2026-02-20
CONPhysical Work Complete2026-08-11
CONProject Agreement End Date2028-02-09