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117930 | PA Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Base Program Administration and Commuter Services 2022-23

This work program will manage the work of TMAs and contractors that serve employers implementing commute alternatives programs and encourage commuters to choose travel alternatives to the single-occupancy vehicle (SOV).
The Transportation Management Associations (TMAs) and other related partners in southeastern Pennsylvania have helped promote Transportation Demand Management (TDM) options and program for over two decades, in the form of two grants funded by PennDOT the TMA Assistance Grant (one available to all TMAs in PA), and the Mobility Alternatives Program (MAP) grant (available only in SE PA). Starting in FY2023, DVRPC and PennDOT have developed a new TDM grant program that combines these two legacy grants into one new base TDM grant for each organization previously funded through one or both of the legacy grants. Each organization will be awarded an amount of funding to perform activities like education and outreach on TDM options, TDM strategies, and the advantages for both employers and employees to implement or use these options. DVRPC will contract with and oversee the work program development and approval for each subrecipient receiving these grants and work with their respective county planning department(s) as well as PennDOT (Central Office and District 6) and FHWA in this development and in tracking progress and results from their efforts.
This program supports DVRPC staff activities for planning, marketing, procurement and accounting, as well as funding to lease software for and manage the regional Share-A-Ride (SAR) ride match program, the Emergency Ride Home (ERH) program and provide necessary materials, schedules and tools to help contractors promote TDM with a unified message in the SE PA region. This program is part of the larger coordinated regional TDM effort that includes the Travel Options Program (TOP) competitive grant program. Completion of this work may require the purchase of equipment or services.
1. Work with TMAs/Contractors to develop Work Programs for base TDM efforts.
2. Ensure this work involves outreach to both employers and the general commuting public.
3. Oversee TMA/Contractor TDM education and outreach efforts and development and placement of relevant materials; encourage cooperative efforts whenever possible.
4. Operation of the Share-A-Ride (SAR) ride match program, including annual software lease agreements, database management and quarterly reporting, registrant communications and training.
5. Creation and administration of contracts with each of nine subrecipients.
6. Review and payment of monthly or quarterly invoices and reports for each of nine subrecipients.

Limits: Districtwide
Air Quality Code: X1

FY2025 TIP for PA Program Years (in Thousands)

Program Year Totals:$325$325$0$0 
Total FY25-FY28 Cost:$650Total FY25-FY36 Cost:$650 
All costs in thousands.


PhaseMilestoneEstimated Date
PRAPhase Approved by PMC
PRA4232 Approved by FHWA
PRAStart of Phase2022-07-01
PRAPhase on Approved STIP
PRACompletion of Phase2023-07-31