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115972 | I-95 Planning Assistance 2022-23

The purpose of this program is to support the implementation of I-95 Reconstruction Projects by serving as a planning and coordination resource for PennDOT.
This project provides for technical and planning assistance to PennDOT District 6 for support in implementation of the I-95 Reconstruction Projects. DVRPC will be on call for quick-turnaround analysis or data collection tasks in support of specific and timely I-95 project planning needs. Tasks will include data collection, meeting and stakeholder coordination, and general research as needed. Subject areas include congestion mitigation strategies, as well as transit, Transportation Management Association, environmental, freight, historic, and bicycle/pedestrian issues. District 6 has limited planning staff, while DVRPC planning staff has multiple areas of expertise which are beneficial for this work and have been utilized in the past.
1. Facilitate discussion and prioritization with SEPTA on capital improvements to mitigate congestion on I-95 during and beyond the reconstruction project timeline; provide sketch-level benefit/cost analysis of proposed improvements as needed. Assist with design coordination and implementation of congestion mitigation strategies.
2. Coordinate implementation of recommended strategies developed from the DVRPC Alternatives Development for Roosevelt Boulevard Transit Enhancements study.
3. Coordinate implementation of recommended strategies developed from the DVRPC Improving Non-motorized Access to Regional Rail Stations on the I-95 Corridor study.
4. Coordinate implementation of recommended strategies developed from the Bucks County Planning Commission on bicycle and pedestrian access to stations in Lower Bucks County on SEPTAs West Trenton Line.
5. Facilitate coordination between SEPTA, PennDOT, and other agencies, including multiple agencies/departments within the City of Philadelphia.
6. Coordinate communications and outreach activities with the TMAs.
7. Assist with bicycle and pedestrian planning and coordination efforts in the I-95 corridor.
8. Assist with trail alignment and coordination efforts for trails along the I-95 corridor, especially for portions related to the East Coast Greenway.
9. Assist with environmental mitigation efforts and context sensitive planning related to the I-95 reconstruction projects.
10. Assist with coordination of historical preservation efforts related to the I-95 reconstruction projects.
11. Coordinate with freight industry representatives on construction activities, detour routes, long range planning, and general coordination.
12. Provide mapping and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) support as requested.
13. Provide support in coordinating and developing legal agreements, as needed.
14. Assist with identifying and cataloging transportation infrastructure projects within the corridor.
15. Assist with coordination related to other transportation and land development projects in the corridor, as requested.
See MPMS #106708 as a previous MPMS # for this project.

Limits: Philadelphia
Air Quality Code: X1

FY2025 TIP for PA Program Years (in Thousands)

Program Year Totals:$100$100$0$0 
Total FY25-FY28 Cost:$200Total FY25-FY36 Cost:$200 
All costs in thousands.


PhaseMilestoneEstimated Date
PRAPhase Approved by PMC
PRA4232 Approved by FHWA
PRAStart of Phase2022-07-01
PRAPhase on Approved STIP
PRACompletion of Phase2023-07-31