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115971 | Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) (Various)

This project will ease traffic congestion and improve the efficiency of existing transportation facilities and services through enhanced coordination and integration of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) with Transportation Systems Management and Operations.
Federal metropolitan planning regulations require MPOs to incorporate transportation operations into their transportation planning processes. DVRPC addresses that requirement through the conduct of two longstanding related initiatives. The Transportation Operations Program Area (23-52-050) and the Transportation Systems Management and Operations Project highlight key activities undertaken by these programs. The Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) Project incorporates strategies to help proactively manage the transportation system by addressing recurring and nonrecurring congestion. Strategies such as traffic incident management, traveler information services, safety service patrols, work zone management, and freight management improve system efficiency, enhance public safety, help reduce traveler delays and improve information access. Successful integration of these and other TSMO strategies will help to make the region more cohesive, and enhance communications and collaboration among transportation partners.
DVRPCs TSMO program encompasses a wide range of activities including the coordination of multi-agency regional initiatives. Its centerpiece is the Regional Integrated Multi-modal Information Sharing (RIMIS) project, an information exchange network functioning as the communications backbone among transportation operation centers throughout the region. A virtual video wall component allows operations center and field personnel to view traffic video feeds in the region.
RIMIS became operational in 2010 and since it is managed by the same developer as the NJDOT system, it automatically receives incident and operational information from NJDOTs database. To receive PennDOT incident information, a data interface to PennDOTs Road Conditions Reporting System (RCRS) was constructed in FY 2011. A data interface to the City of Philadelphia Streets Departments Road Permit system provides street closure information related to events such as utility work, block parties, special events, and construction. This not only greatly increased the amount of usable data for RIMIS users, but was a critical project for the Philadelphia Traffic Management Center. DVRPC has continued to roll out RIMIS to regional transportation agencies, county 911/emergency management centers, local police and fire departments in major corridors, and counties' engineering/public works departments in New Jersey as requested. Assistance in using RIMIS in local municipalities for Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) purposes is offered, especially with respect to the I-76 ICM Project in Pennsylvania.
In FY 2023, the primary emphasis will be operating and maintaining RIMIS software, continuing to expand the number of agencies participating in RIMIS, continued exploration of the RIMIS SPATEL tool, and working with the agencies to ensure quality control of RIMIS data. As the number of RIMIS users has grown, it is becoming more essential to coordinate with our RIMIS users, monitor usage, and rapidly address any issues that they may be encountering.
Other focus areas of DVRPCs TSMO program include updating DVRPCs Interactive Detour Route Mapping (IDRuM) application, providing training programs for ITS operators and emergency response personnel, monitoring performance measures, security planning, and providing technical assistance to agencies.
IDRuM is being enhanced and updated into a new online web version. IDRuM is designed to give emergency responders access to the detour routes that allow them to be prepared when an incident occurs on a nearby highway. Typically traffic is diverted off the highway onto the arterial network and those arterials often become congested. By planning these routes and identifying key control points, local police can provide traffic control assistance to help ease the flow of traffic in their communities. The new online version was rolled out for Pennsylvania detours in FY2021 and work continues this year to incorporate the New Jersey detour routes.
There continues to be emphasis placed on integrating the use of performance measures into strategic and operations planning. One of the primary outcomes that operations programs strive for is reduced congestion, and typical performance measures include travel times and travel time reliability, which tell us that conditions are better or worse than in the past. DVRPC will continue to work with our stakeholders to develop a consistent approach where applicable to define the proper measures, collect and analyze the data, and report on our regions performance measures.
Activities listed below fall under two broad categories: RIMIS and Other TSMO Tasks. The former includes Operations and Maintenance (O&M) tasks performed by the software vendor (TRANSCOM) and DVRPC supervisory/technical activities associated with RIMIS. The latter category includes DVRPC staff activities that support programs for greater integration among the regions TSMO stakeholders, and more general activities. Some of these activities may require DVRPC to purchase equipment and/or services.
RIMIS Software Vendor Tasks
1. Software vendor will perform software operations and maintenance functions.
2. Software vendor will function as the system administrator, adding additional ITS devices to the RIMIS database and modifying the highway and transit network as required.
3. Software vendor will make enhancements to RIMIS software as directed.
4. Software vendor will assist RIMIS agencies in developing data interfaces with legacy software systems as required.
5. Software vendor will periodically meet with DVRPC and the users to review RIMISs status and discuss and resolve operational issues.
1. Coordinate software vendors activities with the RIMIS users and the Transportation Operations Task Force.
2. Supervise the RIMIS software vendors adherence to its contract.
3. Review and approve all invoices and progress reports with respect to the RIMIS software vendor.
4. Organize training programs for RIMIS users.
5. Work with software vendor to phase-in additional RIMIS users. This may include construction of additional data interfaces.
6. Perform system administration functions, such as modifying agency and user accounts, installing RIMIS software for users, developing video walls for users, and assisting the RIMIS software vendor in performing some of the other minor administration functions.
7. Perform quality control review of RIMIS information and its usage. Work with users to ensure that information entered into RIMIS is accurate and timely, and that agencies use RIMIS information to manage events.
8. Perform additional activities associated with RIMIS as the need arises.
Other TSMO Tasks
1. Continue and expand initiatives to enhance interagency information sharing and cooperation. Activities include providing technical assistance to operating agencies.
2. Continue to operate and maintain Interactive Detour Route Mapping (IDRuM). Work toward developing a new web version of IDRuM program, including using GIS to make necessary updates to the detours to reflect changes to any routes or construction activity.
3. Continue the regional construction coordination efforts to minimize traffic impacts of overlapping construction projects.
4. Continue to maintain the regions ITS Infrastructure Inventory.
5. Participate in appropriate security planning efforts by attending external meetings, webinars and other events such as the Delaware Valley Intelligent Center (DVIC) security roundtable quarterly meetings.
6. Continue to promote and provide training programs on TSMO and ITS strategies. These activities may include identifying training opportunities, hosting training courses, bringing in industry experts, sponsoring conferences on special topics, and arranging tours of ITS deployments within and outside of the region.
7. Continue coordination and participation with local and regional partners and their committees, such as The Eastern Transportation Coalition, Southeastern Pennsylvania Regional Task Force and the Philadelphia Local Emergency Planning Committee.
8. Continue to work with our stakeholders to develop a consistent approach where applicable to define the proper measures, collect and analyze the data, and report on our regions performance measures.

Limits: Districtwide
Air Quality Code: X1

FY2025 TIP for PA Program Years (in Thousands)

Program Year Totals:$468$388$0$0 
Total FY25-FY28 Cost:$856Total FY25-FY36 Cost:$856 
All costs in thousands.


PhaseMilestoneEstimated Date
PRAPhase Approved by PMC
PRA4232 Approved by FHWA
PRAStart of Phase2022-07-01
PRAPhase on Approved STIP
PRACompletion of Phase2023-07-31