DVRPC has published over one thousand reports from the 1970s to present. Product abstracts and/or PDF downloads are available.
July 15, 2011
Local & County Roads Safety NewsletterThe Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission is dedicated to uniting the region's electre officials planning professionals and the public with the common vision of making a great region even greater.
July 8, 2011
Boosting the Bus: Better Transit Integration Along West Chester PikeThe purpose of this project was first to develop a set of best
practices to improve transit service in the West Chester Pike corridor as well as its integration with corridor development; and second to use VISSIM microsimulation to test the impacts of various operational improvement strategies on the speed and running times of SEPTA Route 104 buses. The results of this analysis suggest that these……
June 30, 2011
Assessing the Potential for a Regional Transfer of Development Rights Program in Salem County, NJThis study assesses the feasibility of developing a regional Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) program in Salem County, New Jersey. Guided by a Salem Regional TDR Task Force, the study evaluates land use patterns and the views of municipal officials within Salem's fifteen municipalities and looks at existing TDR programs elsewhere in New Jersey and in other states for innovative ideas that could……
May 25, 2011
Overview of the 2011 Congestion Management Process (CMP) ReportA Congestion Management Process (CMP) is a systematic
process for managing congestion. It identifies specific multimodal strategies for all locations in the region to minimize congestion and enhance the ability
of people and goods to reach their destinations. The CMP advances the goals of the DVRPC Long-Range Plan and strengthens the connection between the Plan and the Transportation Improvement……
May 9, 2011
Shifting Gears: Regional Bicycle Outreach and Priority SettingThis report describes Shifting Gears, a three-step process that included inventories of regional bicycle facilities, outreach to stakeholders, and an online survey. Included are descriptions of each of the various components of the program, a set of proposed priority locations based on the inventories and outreach sessions, and survey findings.
May 4, 2011
Delaware Valley Truck Parking StudyThe trucking industry plays an increasing role in the movement of goods for the DVRPC region. Truck drivers
often need safe and secure locations at which to park their trucks overnight. This study identifies the capacity
of truck parking in the DVRPC region, provides an estimate of the current and future demand, presents the
observations of overnight truck parking inventories, and offers recommendations……
April 21, 2011
Taming Traffic: Context Sensitive Solutions in the DVRPC RegionThis report focuses on the application of context-sensitive solutions (CSS) principles and best practices on the case study site of CR 551 in Swedesboro Borough in Gloucester County, NJ. CSS is a means to link land use and transportation planning and implementation. The case study includes a series of recommendations and before and after photo simulations. The study includes an explanation of CSS,……
April 15, 2011
Gloucester County Transportation Needs StudyThe Gloucester County Transportation Needs Study was a two-year, three-phase study undertaken by DVRPC to
assist Gloucester County with the preparation of the transportation element of an updated County Master Plan. The study emphasized Smart Growth principles, multi-modal commuting, and the relationship between land use and
transportation. A version of the DVRPC regional travel demand model was……
April 15, 2011
NJ Transit Burlington County Bus SurveyA summary of the 2010 customer survey of NJ Transit’s routes 409, 413, 417, 418, 419. This survey will be used to update NJ Transit’s demographic profiles and their travel demand models.
April 14, 2011
NJ 73 Corridor Study Burlington CountyThis is a multi-modal study that integrates transportation and landuse, and is responsive to emerging lifestyle patterns. In an effort to preserve and improve the operating performance of the highway facility and enhance the character of the adjacent land uses, a comprehensive approach is taken where innovative land use and
transportation improvements were identified while being sensitive to the natural……