DVRPC has published over one thousand reports from the 1970s to present. Product abstracts and/or PDF downloads are available.
August 12, 2014
Transportation Conformity Demonstration: FY 2014 New Jersey TIP, FY 2015 Pennsylvania TIP, and Connections 2040 Long-Range PlanThe Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) is reaffirming the transportation conformity of its Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 New Jersey Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and New Jersey projects in the Connections 2040 Long-Range Plan. DVRPC concurrently demonstrates conformity for the FY 2015 TIP for Pennsylvania, and amendments to projects in Pennsylvania in the Connections 2040 Long-Range……
August 7, 2014
Haverford Township Norristown High Speed Line Parking and Pedestrian Access StudyThe Norristown High Speed Line (NHSL) plays an important role in the transportation context of Haverford Township. This study was conducted by DVRPC, with guidance from Haverford Township, SEPTA, and Delaware County, to identify strategies designed to enhance parking capacity and nonmotorized access to the township’s seven NHSL stations. The report includes an overview of existing conditions, as well……
July 24, 2014
Connections 2040 Plan for Greater Philadelphia Amended Transportation InvestmentsThe Connections 2040 Plan for Greater Philadelphia assesses regional trends and forecasts and sets forth a vision for the future. The Plan establishes goals and identifies strategies to achieve its core principles: managing growth and protecting natural resources, creating livable communities, building the economy, and establishing a modern, multimodal transportation system. The Plan identifies a set……
July 24, 2014
Funding for the Future: The Impact of Pennsylvania Act 89 on Our Region's Transportation InfrastructureIn the Fall of 2013 the Pennsylvania Legislature passed Act 89, providing a significant increase in funding for transportation investments in the commonwealth. As the region’s federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), DVRPC has been able to add new projects to both the Long-Range Plan and the Transportation Improvement Program. New projects will rebuild roadway and transit systems,……
June 16, 2014
Regional Employment Centers and Sites, 2010DVRPC's "employment centers" are integrated, concentrated areas of non-residential developed land that share transportation and/or land use linkages. These centers form the backbone of the region's economy, affecting both goods movement and communications systems. As primary destinations for journey-to-work trips, they significantly impact the traffic loadings on the region’s highways and transit systems.……
June 4, 2014
RIMIS NewsletterThe purpose of the RIMIS Newsletter is to provide an overview of the Regional Integrated Multi-Modal Information (RIMIS) program. RIMIS was created to be an information exchange network that connects traffic operation centers, 911 call centers and local emergency response teams in the Delaware Valley. RIMIS is a platform that coordinates municipal, state and county agency responses while keeping……
May 1, 2014
Fiscal Year 2015 Unified Planning Work ProgramThis document contains all of the projects and
related funding for FY 2015 as passed by the
DVRPC Board in January 2014.
May 1, 2014
Land Preservation through Noncontiguous Parcel Clustering in New JerseyThis brochure explains noncontiguous parcel clustering, which is a planning tool available for use by New Jersey municipalities interested in preserving land in a similar, but more simple manner than a transfer of development rights (TDR) program. The legal basis for use of noncontiguous parcel clustering, its advantages and disadvantages, and steps to implementation are discussed. Examples from……
April 24, 2014
Bordentown Township Redevelopment Proposed Connector RoadThe purpose of this study is to develop solutions to improve traffic circulation and reduce delays within a section of Bordentown Township; improve traffic safety through better distribution of truck traffic; enhance local and regional economic development opportunities through improved access; and improve roadway conditions. This study addresses the problem of lack of appropriate connections for southbound……
April 10, 2014
Funding Trails: A Guide to Funding Multi-Use Trails in New JerseySecuring funding for multi-use trail planning, design, and construction projects is an essential step in the trail development process. There are multiple sources of funding, each with their own requirements, categories of eligible projects, and cycles of funding availability. This guide describes funding available to trail projects in New Jersey.