DVRPC has published over one thousand reports from the 1970s to present. Product abstracts and/or PDF downloads are available.
March 4, 2016
Safe, Clean, and GreenThis brochure is designed to help planners, government officials, business leaders, community activists, crime prevention practitioners, and law enforcement looking for innovative ways to prevent crime in their downtowns. It will teach you how to apply principles such as access control, natural surveillance, territorial reinforcement, and maintenance to improve your neighborhood or community.
February 25, 2016
Enhanced Bus Service on West Chester PikeThis study was conducted by DVRPC to improve the quality and effectiveness of bus service on West Chester Pike between West Chester Borough and the 69th Street Transportation Center in Upper Darby. This report describes an operational concept for Enhanced Bus Service (EBS) along the corridor that includes consolidated stops, improved passenger amenities, and branded service. Localized pedestrian improvements……
February 23, 2016
Transportation Conformity Demonstration: Connections 2040 Long-Range Plan, FY 2015 Pennsylvania TIP, and FY 2016 New Jersey TIPThe Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) demonstrates transportation conformity of its
Connections 2040 Long-Range Plan, Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 Pennsylvania Transportation Improvement
Program (TIP), and FY 2016 New Jersey TIP. A transportation conformity demonstration is required at least
once every four years or when an MPO: 1) adopts a new Plan or TIP, or 2) amends, adds, or deletes……
February 18, 2016
Identifying Opportunities for Park and Ride Capacity in South JerseyAs travel patterns shift and demand for public transit services increases due to congestion, drive-to-transit access patterns, such as park-and-rides (PNR), will remain a primary means of transit access for many regional residents and workers to avoid the monetary and time costs of traveling by automobile. This project sought to assess locations where New Jersey Transit (NJT) bus and train PNR demand……
February 4, 2016
FY 2015 DVRPC Annual ReportEach fiscal year, DVRPC is responsible for issuing an annual report that summarizes the programs and projects that comprise the annual planning work program. This Annual Report features highlights of the Commission's many programs, a message from the Executive Director and Board Chair, a listing of Board members and committees, a financial summary, and a specific project or program in each county and……
January 29, 2016
Newton Lake Trail Feasibility StudyThe Newton Lake Trail Feasibility Study was conducted by DVRPC staff in collaboration with Camden County, the Camden County Park Department, and the Borough of Oaklyn, New Jersey. The study includes a comprehensive analysis and conceptual design for a trail extension in the southwest portion of Newton Lake Park that would link existing multi-use paths to create a loop for bicycle and pedestrian use.……
December 17, 2015
Overview of the 2015 Congestion Management ProcessA Congestion Management Process (CMP) is a systematic process for managing congestion. It identifies
specific multimodal strategies for all locations in the region to minimize congestion and enhance the ability of
people and goods to reach their destinations. The CMP advances the goals of the DVRPC Long-Range Plan and
strengthens the connection between the Plan and the Transportation Improvement……
December 17, 2015
Cultivating Camden: The City's Food Economy StrategyThe food system is an important part of the economy; food manufacturing can provide much needed low- and moderate-skill jobs; local food production, preparation, and distribution offer entrepreneurial opportunities; and agricultural products are among the nation’s strongest and largest exports. This publication analyzes Camden’s current food economy and makes a number of recommendations to improve……
December 14, 2015
Impact of Diesel Emissions from Port Facilities on Local Communities in the DVRPC RegionThe Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) examined the demographics of communities
surrounding port communities in the region and reviewed existing health statistics for these communities.
Demographic and health data analysis shows that communities surrounding port facilities are generally more
economically disadvantaged than the region as a whole. DVRPC analyzed air emissions from……