DVRPC Products

DVRPC has published over one thousand reports from the 1970s to present. Product abstracts and/or PDF downloads are available.

February 15, 2017

Effective Use of Tax Incentives within Greater PhiladelphiaEffective Use of Tax Incentives within Greater Philadelphia
Tax incentives are important tools for municipalities to attract private investment to underdeveloped areas, generating infill development and strengthening existing communities. Though tax revenue will be foregone in the short-term, new development has the potential to create lasting economic growth in struggling districts and to create positive spillover effects to the surrounding neighborhoods.……

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January 31, 2017

Roosevelt Boulevard Enhanced Bus Service Operations AnalysisRoosevelt Boulevard Enhanced Bus Service Operations Analysis
Near-term transportation improvements have been identified to reduce bus travel times along Roosevelt Boulevard (US 1). Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission staff modeled and evaluated four alternatives with micro-simulation software in a 2.3-mile-long sample section of the Boulevard. With some modifications, two transit operational improvements are unequivocal in their benefit for the flow……

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January 31, 2017

Sustainable Transportation ActionsSustainable Transportation Actions
This brochure shows how Greater Philadelphia’s transportation network could be made more sustainable through decision making geared toward more efficient use of space, applying technology, using pricing, and design to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase community livability. It identifies actions that communities, businesses, governments, and individuals can take to travel more sustainably.……

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January 31, 2017

Concept Development for Southern Chester County - New Castle County Transit ServiceConcept Development for Southern Chester County - New Castle County Transit Service
This project examines the potential for public transit service between Southern Chester and New Castle Counties, where there is currently a gap in public transit service. The project team developed two strategies that can be used to work towards implementing service in this area.

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January 30, 2017

FY 2016 DVRPC Annual ReportFY 2016 DVRPC Annual Report
Each fiscal year, DVRPC is responsible for issuing an annual report that summarizes the programs and projects that comprise the annual planning work program. This Annual Report features highlights of the Commission's many programs, a message from the Executive Director and Board Chair, a listing of Board members and committees, a financial summary, and a specific project or program in each county and……

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January 9, 2017

Planning for Changing Demographics: Millennials in the Delaware ValleyPlanning for Changing Demographics: Millennials in the Delaware Valley
This report summarizes data and research related to the transportation, career, and housing preferences of today's young adults. Known as millennials, this generation of Americans was largely born during the 1980s and 90s. They are the largest generation in American history and their expectations and priorities have the potential to influence the physical form of communities throughout our region and……

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January 9, 2017

Trail Access to Wawa StationTrail Access to Wawa Station
This report investigates opportunities for improved connections between the planned Wawa Regional Rail station and the region's trail system. The study catalogs existing site conditions, and documents SEPTA's construction plans. An extension of the Chester Creek Trail sharing SEPTA's rail right-of-way was found to be infeasible at this time. The study proposes two alternative trail alignments for future……

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January 5, 2017

Local and County Roads Safety NewsletterLocal and County Roads Safety Newsletter
This newsletter provides safety ideas, information, and resources for municipal and county staff who are involved in supervising, setting up, or working within roadway work zones.

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November 29, 2016

Investing in People and Places: Greater Philadelphia's Comprehensive Economic Development StrategyInvesting in People and Places: Greater Philadelphia's Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
This report was created to provide the required annual review and update to Greater Philadelphia's regional Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS). The report includes background demographic, economic, and land use data; identifies regional strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats; discusses economic resiliency; identifies regional economic development goals and objectives; identifies……

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November 14, 2016

DVRPC FY2017 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for Pennsylvania (FY2017-2020)DVRPC FY2017 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for Pennsylvania (FY2017-2020)
This volume contains the following appendices: PennDOT's Procedural Guidance; (f) SEPTA Financial Capacity Analysis; (g) Executive Summary of the Documentation of the Conformity Finding; and (h) Summary of Public Involvement Process, Index of Comments, Original Public Comments, Responses to Public Comments, List of Recommended Changes, Public Comment Outreach Documentation, the Draft Highlights of……

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341 350
Air Quality Partnership
Annual Report
Connections 2050
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
Economic Development District