DVRPC has published over one thousand reports from the 1970s to present. Product abstracts and/or PDF downloads are available.
December 8, 2022
Harrison Avenue Pedestrian Road Safety AuditThe opening of the new Cramer Hill Waterfront Park in Camden, New Jersey put a spotlight on traffic safety concerns on Harrison Avenue and State Street along the new amenity. In order to support pedestrian and bicyclist access to the new park, the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission conducted a pedestrian road safety audit with local stakeholders to identify traffic safety issues on these……
December 8, 2022
Connecting to Trails in Delaware County: StorymapDelaware County asked the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) to propose recommendations to increase access to the county’s trails network through on-road bicycle facilities. This web map further depicts the proposed designs and phasing. A complementary memo explores the project team’s on-road bicycle network methodology in connecting adjacent low-stress, typically residential islands……
December 5, 2022
2000 - 2020 Travel Trends in the Delaware Valley RegionThis report assesses trends in auto vehicle trips, transit passenger trips, and bicycle and pedestrian trips
crossing screenlines and cordon lines in the Delaware Valley region. Data collected in 2019, 2020, and 2021
is compared to data collected in 2000, 2005, 2010, and 2015.
November 29, 2022
Mobility Choices: Transportation Conversations in Three Black and Latino Communities in the Greater Philadelphia RegionThe objective of this project is to better understand how people living in communities of color in the DVRPC region choose their mode of transportation, and what physical, social, or structural forces shape those choices. We did this by surveying in three communities:
•North Trenton, NJ;
•Norristown, PA; and
•Mantua/East Parkside neighborhoods in Philadelphia.
The intent of this work is to develop……
November 7, 2022
Evaluating Ferry ServiceThis study explores the possibility of a seasonal ferry service serving communities along the Delaware River. It analyzes the accessibility of tourist destinations in the New Jersey counties in the region and
explores potential service scenarios. It also informs stakeholders of recommended next steps to further explore implementing a ferry service.
November 7, 2022
Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Final Performance Plan (2018–2021) and Baseline Report (2022-2025)Metropolitan Planning Organizations are required to adopt CMAQ Emissions targets and develop a baseline
performance plan as part of the federally mandated Transportation Performance Management process. This
technical memo serves as the final performance report to FHWA for the first performance period (2018–2021) for
the congestion and on-road mobile emissions performance measures for the Philadelphia……
October 19, 2022
Sidewalk Gap AnalysisA connected pedestrian network is the foundation of a healthy, accessible, and prosperous community. This analysis helps communities around the region prioritize the pedestrian improvements that will make the greatest impact. How well connected is the pedestrian network in the Greater Philadelphia region? How do gaps in the pedestrian network affect our ability to travel around the region? This map……
October 12, 2022
DVRPC FY2023 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for Pennsylvania (FY23-FY26) - AddendumThis volume contains the following appendices: (E) Executive Summary of the Documentation of the Conformity Finding, (F) Environmental Justice Appendix, (G) Title VI Policy Statement and Complaint Procedures, and (H) Summary of Public Involvement
Process, Original Public Comments, Responses to Public Comments, List of Recommended Changes, Public Comment Outreach Documentation, the Highlights of the……
October 12, 2022
Final DVRPC FY2023 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for Pennsylvania (FY23-FY26)The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) document contains a listing of all transit, highway, bridge, bicycle, pedestrian, and multimodal projects in DVRPC’s Pennsylvania counties that will seek federal funding in federal fiscal years 2023 to 2026. This volume
also contains the following appendices: (A) Board Resolutions; (B) State DOT Financial, and General and Procedural Guidance Used in Developing……
October 10, 2022
City of Camden Management Plan for Forests and TreesThis management plan is a municipal document that outlines the community’s vision and prioritized goals to protect and grow the City’s tree cover or “community forest.” In this context, the “community forest” is within municipal boundaries and includes publicly managed trees along streets and in parks, as well as privately
managed trees on private properties. Integrating data from a variety of local,……