DVRPC has published over one thousand reports from the 1970s to present. Product abstracts and/or PDF downloads are available.
March 31, 2014
The Future of Scenario PlanningThis white paper reviews current practices in scenario planning, DVRPC’s scenario planning experience and lessons learned, makes recommendations about how
DVRPC can improve its practices, and identifies options for the next round of scenario planning. These options include investigating underlying driving forces of
change in the future, and identifying regional land use and transportation gamechanger(s).……
December 29, 2011
Public ParticipationPublic participation and civic engagement have become an increasingly important part of the planning process. An effective public participation plan may build consensus, help a community reach a collective goal, and even lessens friction among opposing factions. This Municipal Implementation Tool (MIT) provides an overview of public engagement and participation and suggests strategies and techniques……
December 20, 2011
FY 2011 DVRPC Annual ReportEach fiscal year, DVRPC is responsible for issuing an annual report that summarizes the programs and projects that comprise the annual planning work program. This Annual Report features highlights of the Commission's many programs, a message from the Executive Director and Board Chair, a listing of Board members and committees, a financial summary, and unique characteristics of each county and major……
September 1, 2011
DVRPC FY2012 Transportation Improvement Program for New Jersey (FY2012-FY2015)The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) document contains a listing of all transit, highway, bridge, bicycle, pedestrian, and multimodal projects in the New
Jersey subregion that will seek federal funding in fiscal years 2012 to 2015. This volume also contains the following five appendices: (a) Financial Guidance used in
developing the program, (b) documentation on the air quality conformity……
April 14, 2011
NJ 73 Corridor Study Burlington CountyThis is a multi-modal study that integrates transportation and landuse, and is responsive to emerging lifestyle patterns. In an effort to preserve and improve the operating performance of the highway facility and enhance the character of the adjacent land uses, a comprehensive approach is taken where innovative land use and
transportation improvements were identified while being sensitive to the natural……
March 3, 2011
The Economic Value of Protected Open Space in Southeastern Pennsylvania - Technical AppendicesThis is the Technical Appendices that fully explains the methodology employed in the report on the Economic Value of Protected Open Space in Southeastern Pennsylvania. Protected open space is understood to offer many benefits, but few have been quantified in dollars and cents. The Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) and the GreenSpace Alliance (GSA) partnered to commission this study……
October 1, 2004
DVRPC FY 2005 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) document includes (1) a description of the TIP public involvement process, including how DVRPC has met the requirements of Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act as Environmental Justice efforts, (2) copies of the comments received by both DVRPC member agencies and the general public, (3) agency responses to the public comments, and (4)…
October 1, 2004
DVRPC FY 2005 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for New Jersey and PennsylvaniaThe Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) document includes (1) a general overview of the TIP intended to familiarize you with what the TIP is and is not, how it was developed, and what can be expected for projects in the TIP, (2) various summaries of the New Jersey and Pennsylvania programs, (3) a description of the TIP public involvement process, including how DVRPC has met the requirements……
October 1, 2004
Improving Access to Opportunities in the Delaware Valley Region: Areawide Job Access and Reverse Commute Transportation Plan Areawide Job Access and Reverse Commute Transportation PlanThe magnitude of the welfare-to-work challenge calls for regional job placement strategies. To maximize placements, workers must learn to use the regional transit network and other transportation-related services to access job opportunities throughout the region. In the Delaware Valley, this includes commuting across state lines. Focusing on current access-to-jobs initiatives, this plan profiles……
September 1, 2004
2004 Annual Update to "...and Justice for All"This report is based on previous work performed at DVRPC on the topic of environmental justice, namely, "...and Justice for All": DVRPC's Strategy for Fair Treatment and Meaningful Involvement for All People (September 2001) and its subsequent annual updates. This update examines travel time from various destinations in the region to Philadelphia's City Hall and the Fiscal Year 2005…