DVRPC has published over one thousand reports from the 1970s to present. Product abstracts and/or PDF downloads are available.
August 24, 2021
Connections 2050 Plan for Greater Philadelphia: Policy Manual: Board-Adopted VersionThe Connections 2050 Plan for Greater Philadelphia: Policy Manual documents the Connections 2050 vision, principles, goals, policies and strategies, and contains a summary of the financial plan. It has a companion report, The Connections 2050 Plan for Greater Philadelphia Policy and Analysis Manual contains supporting information related to the vision and strategies, along with the detailed financial……
August 24, 2021
Connections 2050 Plan for Greater Philadelphia: Process and Analysis Manual: Board-Adopted VersionThe Connections 2050 Plan for Greater Philadelphia: Process and Analysis Manual documents the long-range planning process, public outreach, and quantitative effort and analysis used to develop the Connections 2050 vision, principles, goals, policies and strategies—which are documented in Policy Manual’s companion report the Connections 2050 Plan for Greater Philadelphia: Policy Manual—along with the……
August 3, 2021
A River Reconnected: The Challenges and Opportunities of Public Access to the Tidal Delaware RiverStretching from Morrisville to Marcus Hook, the coastal waterfront of Pennsylvania is a vast and dynamic system. Throughout this area, the level of public access to the waterfront varies tremendously from quiet and remote parks to urban trails visited by millions of people a year. A River Reconnected is a research study that describes in detail the historical trends, present-day projects, and future……
August 3, 2021
Congestion Management Process ProceduresThis technical memorandum provides guidance to Pennsylvania and New Jersey departments of transportation project managers, consultants, and other agencies. It covers how projects move through the Congestion Management Process (CMP) and how to review potential Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) projects for consistency with the CMP. Projects that propose to add Single-Occupant Vehicle road capacity……
August 2, 2021
Funding Trails in New Jersey - A Guide to Funding Multi-Use TrailsSecuring funding for multi-use trail planning, design, and construction projects is an essential step in the trail development process. There are multiple sources of funding, each with their own requirements, categories of eligible projects, and cycles of funding availability. This guide describes funding available to trail projects in New Jersey.
July 28, 2021
Connections 2050 Plan for Greater Philadelphia: Policy Manual - Draft for Public CommentThe Connections 2050 Plan for Greater Philadelphia: Policy Manual documents the Connections 2050 vision, principles, goals, policies and strategies, and contains a summary of the financial plan. It has a companion report, The Connections 2050 Plan for Greater Philadelphia Policy and Analysis Manual contains supporting information related to the vision and strategies, along with the detailed financial……
July 28, 2021
Connections 2050 Plan for Greater Philadelphia: Process and Analysis Manual: Draft for Public CommentThe Connections 2050 Plan for Greater Philadelphia: Process and Analysis Manual documents the long-range planning process, public outreach, and quantitative effort and analysis used to develop the Connections 2050 vision, principles, goals, policies and strategies—which are documented in Policy Manual’s companion report the Connections 2050 Plan for Greater Philadelphia: Policy Manual—along with the……
July 7, 2021
Bristol Corridor Study: Preparing for Growth in Lower BucksFor many years, the lack of direct connection between I-95 and I-276 (Pennsylvania Turnpike) has caused confusion and delay for motorists traveling through Lower Bucks County. The opening of the I-95/I-276/I-295 interchange in the fall of 2018 is expected to have a substantial impact on future development, travel patterns, and freight movement in the area. Building on the recommendations of a recent……
July 7, 2021
Aircraft Operations Counting Program MethodologyThis technical report documents the methodology for the DVRPC Aircraft Operations Counting Program. This cyclical counting program utilizes acoustic counts of fixed-wing takeoffs to estimate operations at regional nontowered airports. This report documents the collection and processing of these observations and other key facility data that are included in program deliverables. Results are used by multiple……
July 1, 2021
Año fiscal 2022 Programa de Trabajo de Planificación UnificadaEste documento contiene todos los proyectos y la financiación correspondiente para el año fiscal 2022 a medida que pasaba por la Junta de la DVRPC en enero de 2021.