Volume 45, Issue 5
Four Southeastern Pennsylvania Counties Unite to Purchase Wholesale Energy

Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery Counties have partnered to take a wholesale market approach to purchasing electricity for county operations. In October, each county’s Board of Commissioners voted to form the Southeast Pennsylvania Energy Board. They will work together with DVRPC to access low and stable energy prices, access renewable energy in the future, and use resources more efficiently.
The Sustainable Energy Partnership of Southeast Pennsylvania is composed of Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery counties. They have been working together with DVRPC since September 2020 to explore pathways to purchase renewable energy to power county operations. DVRPC will serve as coordinator of the Energy Board.
“The Sustainable Energy Partnership of Southeast PA is possible because of the leadership and commitment from the four counties towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions, realizing their renewable energy targets, and addressing the climate crisis,” said DVRPC Executive Director Ariella Maron. “This partnership is evident of the strength of regional partnerships to tackle large challenges, while creating operational efficiencies.”
A dedicated wholesale account is a unique electricity procurement mechanism currently utilized by other large local governments. It will allow the counties to access low, transparent, and stable electricity prices. It will also help the counties meet renewable energy targets through access to large-scale renewables (< 10MWs), and add additional parties, such as municipalities, authorities, and schools, in the future.
The Partnership will receive ongoing energy market intelligence, guidance, and direction from a consultant, Enel X, who also works as the advisor to wholesale accounts led by the City of Philadelphia, among others. The Partnership will contract with a supplier to build a portfolio of electricity procurements over time, purchased according to the Partnership-approved cost-management strategy that outlines objectives for electricity and renewable energy. Read the full press release.
Crash Responder Safety Week is Nov.13-17

November 13-17, 2023, is Crash Responder Safety Week. Every day, responders risk life and limb to help drivers out on the road, and each year hundreds of these individuals are struck, and many killed, by negligent, distracted, and impatient drivers. Please join us this week in raising awareness concerning the dangers these individuals face every time they stop to help our fellow travelers. The theme for 2023 is to “Protect Those Who Protect You,” emphasizing the traveling public’s role in keeping responders safe while responders make roadways safe for all road users.
All of us can help save lives by moving over a lane or slowing down when there is a vehicle with flashing lights stopped on the side of the road or in a travel lane. In addition to being the right thing to do, moving over is also the law. Pennsylvania and New Jersey both have Move Over Laws, which require motorists to Move Over or slow down to provide a buffer for the people who work to keep our roads safe.
Learn more about Crash Responders Safety Week on the Transportation Systems Management and Operations webpage, and follow and share DVRPC’s posts on social media throughout the week to raise awareness. Learn about Traffic Incident Management in the DVRPC region.
Greater Philadelphia Region Received Tech Hub Designation

The U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) has designated the Greater Philadelphia Region Precision Medicine Tech Hub from over 400 applications nationwide. The Tech Hubs program was authorized by the bipartisan CHIPS and Science Act – a key part of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda–and strives to drive regional innovation and job creation by strengthening a region’s capacity to manufacture, commercialize, and deploy technology that will advance American competitiveness. This designation is key to the region's economic growth and implementation of the regional Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy, Growing Greater Philadelphia.
Have You Shared Your Vision for Greater Philadelphia?

DVRPC is updating Connections 2050, the current Long-Range Plan for the Greater Philadelphia region. The Plan contains a broadly-shared vision for the year 2050 and a set of supporting goals focused across four planning areas: environment, communities, economy, and multimodal transportation. What priorities do you have for the region? What does an equitable, resilient, and sustainable Greater Philadelphia look like to you? Share your vision and priorities by taking the survey: www.dvrpc.org/update2050. Those who complete a survey may enter to win a $50 gift card.
Be Heard! DVRPC’s Public Participation Task Force Seeks New Members

Want to represent your community and engage in the regional planning and decision-making process? Want to learn more about transportation planning and investments? Apply to be a member of DVRPC’s Public Participation Task Force (PPTF).
The mission of DVRPC's PPTF is to provide access to the transportation planning process, host a welcoming forum to discuss and learn about timely issues, assist the Commission in implementing public outreach strategies, and empower residents to be a part of regional and community planning processes. For more details about the PPTF, visit http://www.dvrpc.org/Committees/PPTF/.
Applications for the 2024 cohort are open through December 16th, 2023. If you have any questions, please contact Wideleine Desir, Public Participation Planner, at wdesir@dvrpc.org.
Curious but want to know more? Attend the next PPTF meeting on November 29th. Come network with current members and learn more about how the PPTF works.
Safe Routes to School Applications Due November 17

The New Jersey Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program is accepting applications through November 17, 2023, for the next round of funding. The SRTS program funds projects that make walking and biking to school safer and more appealing. Projects must be located within two miles of a school that serves students in grades Kindergarten through 12. This round of SRTS program funding is available for the construction of infrastructure projects, including the installation of sidewalks, crosswalks, bike lanes, multi-use paths, traffic calming measures, and other means to ensure the ease and safety of children walking or biking to school.
The SRTS program is funded through the Federal Highway Administration's Federal Aid Program. New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) administers the program in partnership with DVRPC, North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA), and the South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization (SJTPO). Visit NJDOT’s Local Aid Resource Center website for more information and to schedule a mandatory pre-application meeting. If you have any questions, please contact John Coscia, Jr. at jcosciajr@dvrpc.org or Dan Snyder at dsnyder@dvrpc.org.
Recent Publications and Products
Connections 2050 - Amendment 2 - Connections 2050 details the long-term vision for Greater Philadelphia and includes a fiscally constrained financial plan and project list for transportation investments throughout the region. Amendment 2 accounts for significant changes to the cost, scope, or funding status for 13 state and federal formula funded projects and three externally-funded projects.
Philadelphia Truck Network and Complete Streets Integration Guidebook - This guidebook is intended to complement the existing Philadelphia Complete Streets Design Handbook by highlighting consideration of freight in complete streets design to enhance the quality of life for residents and reduce the possibility of conflict between trucks and other road users.
Planning for Electric Vehicles in Montgomery County - DVRPC compared the locations of public facilities, such as parks and libraries, in Montgomery County to existing electric vehicle charging stations, registered electric vehicles, projected workplace charging demand, retail centers, and multifamily residential areas to identify priority locations for future investment in vehicle charging infrastructure.
Transportation Conformity Determination: Connections 2050 Plan, Draft FY2024 TIP for New Jersey, and FY2023 TIP for Pennsylvania - A transportation conformity demonstration is required at least once every four years or when a metropolitan planning organization adopts a new Plan or TIP, or amends, adds, or deletes a regionally significant, nonexempt project in a Plan or TIP. This conformity finding reflects all amendments to the Plan and TIPs as of June 2023.
Video: Trenton Bike Plan - This video gives an overview of Our Streets: A Trenton Bike Plan for All. The plan proposes adding bicycle lanes and making design changes on certain streets within the City of Trenton to increase safety for all road users, including bicyclists, skaters, scooters, pedestrians, and drivers.
Upcoming LTAP Classes in PA and NJ

The Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) provides technical information and expertise to help municipal governments use transportation funds more effectively, improve road maintenance, and increase roadway safety. Classes are offered through Pennsylvania and New Jersey LTAP programs and open to any municipality.
Upcoming classes:
Implementing a Toward Zero Deaths Strategy at the Local Level
Mercer County
November 3, 2023 (8:30 am - 12:30 pm)
Stormwater Controls and Measures O&M
Chester County
November 9, 2023 (8:00 am - 3:00 pm)
Work Zone Safety Awareness
November 9, 2023 (8:00 am - 12:00 pm)
Visit Rutgers Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation to see the 2023 schedule of LTAP courses in New Jersey and PennDOT's LTAP website to view courses in Pennsylvania. For any questions, contact Najah Jackson at njackson@dvrpc.org or 215-238-2836.