Volume 43, Issue 2
Two DVRPC Documents Open for Public Comment

DVRPC is currently seeking public input on two draft documents: The Draft Federal Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for New Jersey and the Draft Connections 2050 Long-Range Plan (LRP).
The Draft FY2022 TIP for NJ represents the region's federally funded transportation improvement priorities. It includes 140 highway and transit projects and represents over $2.1 billion of transportation infrastructure investment in the counties of Burlington, Camden, Gloucester, and Mercer.
The draft document, public comment online tool, and more information are available at: www.dvrpc.org/TIP/Draft. DVRPC will accept comments until August 23, 2021 at 5:00 PM local time.
DVRPC is also seeking your input on the Draft Connections 2050 Long-Range Plan (LRP). The Plan consists of two documents: the Connections 2050 Policy Manual and the Connections 2050 Process Manual. DVRPC updates the Long-Range Plan every four years to maintain the federally required 20-year horizon. The Draft Connections 2050 Long-Range Plan outlines a vision for the region’s growth and preservation and a fiscally constrained financial plan for funding transportation infrastructure.
Electronic versions of both Draft Connections 2050 Long-Range Plan documents are available at www.dvrpc.org/2050. DVRPC will accept comments until August 30, 2021 at 5:00 PM local time.
A third public comment period will open on August 6th for the Draft Conformity Determination for the Draft Connections 2050 Long-Range Plan (LRP), FY2021 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for Pennsylvania, and Draft FY2022 TIP for New Jersey. A Conformity Determination is conducted to ensure transportation investments will not negatively impact the region’s ability to meet or maintain federal air quality standards.
An electronic version of the Draft Conformity Determination will be available online at www.dvrpc.org/AirQuality/Conformity. This comment period will open on Friday, August 6, 2021 and end on Wednesday, September 8, 2021 at 5:00 PM local time.
The public meetings for all three draft documents will be held virtually on August 11th at 2:00 pm and August 18th at 7:00 pm.
DVRPC and Hopeworks Collaborate to Update Sidewalk Inventory in Camden

Check out DVRPC’s work in action! Over the past year, DVRPC partnered with Hopeworks, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing a positive, healing environment that propels young people to build strong futures, to complete a project to update the sidewalk inventory in Camden through the Greater Philadelphia Pedestrian Portal.
As part of their efforts, the GIS team of interns at Hopeworks walked the Parkside, Waterfront South, and North Camden neighborhoods to validate the sidewalk inventory that DVRPC had previously generated through analyzing aerial imagery. The partnership provided a hands-on opportunity for the interns to help them build technical skills and learn more about pedestrian infrastructure.
The data collected by this project will help support a healthy Camden by analyzing how city residents use pedestrian infrastructure to access amenities such as healthcare providers, healthy food retailers, fitness facilities, and open spaces. Hopeworks and DVRPC were able to complete this project thanks to the Healthy Communities Initiative of the Campbell Soup Company, which has been a longtime supporter of much of DVRPC’s healthy communities planning work in Camden, including Cultivating Camden, the Road to Health workshop, and the Camden Youth Advisory Council mini-grant program.
You can also help make sure our region’s sidewalk inventory is up to date! View the map in your neighborhood at walk.dvrpc.org.
Last Chance to Show Your Favorite #DiverseDowntowns!

The #DiverseDowntowns Photo Challenge Giveaway is an opportunity for you to share what adds to the diversity and vibrancy of the region’s downtowns and Greater Philadelphia as a region. Take a photo of your favorite Diverse Downtown, then post on social media using the hashtag #DiverseDowntowns and you will have a chance to win a $50 gift card to a local business of your choice!
What are #DiverseDowntowns? Greater Philadelphia’s #DiverseDowntowns are vibrant places with a mix of civic, cultural, office, residential and retail uses. They have varied architecture, bustling businesses, entertainment venues, and recreational opportunities. You can reach them by foot, bike, public transit, or car. DVRPC’s recent analysis found that these economically, physically, and socially diverse downtowns were generally more resilient during the recent COVID-19 shutdowns than downtowns that were less diverse.
Contest ends August 13, 2021. Please make sure your social media account is public so we can see and share your photo. Check out what photos have been shared and see the giveaway rules for details.
Howellville Road Bridge over Norfolk-Southern Replacement Project

A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held earlier this month for the Howellville Road Bridge in Tredyffrin Township, Chester County. The bridge, which is over the Norfolk-Southern Corporation railroad, is a vital link within the township and connects the community to recreational amenities.
The bridge was selected for replacement from the 2014 round of the DVRPC PA Municipal Retro-Reimbursement Program. This unique program is a partnership between DVRPC and PennDOT. Upon project completion, 80 percent of the total project cost will be reimbursed to the township with state funds This program aims to assist municipalities in repairing or replacing locally owned, structurally deficient bridges with a deck length over 20 feet in southeastern PA and listed on the PA Bridge Bill or Capital Budget. For more information, see www.dvrpc.org/MBRP.
Upcoming Webinar on Utilizing Bicycle and Pedestrian Counts

Join us on Tuesday, August 17 from 1:00-2:30 PM for a webinar about bicycle and pedestrian volume counts! You’ll hear from DVRPC, Montgomery County, and the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia about how they use this data in their work.
This webinar is relevant for all planners, engineers, advocates and decision makers that focus on any roadway, with or without bicycle facilities, who want to learn more about how to use bicycle and pedestrian counts. Bring your questions about using and interpreting multimodal counts for the Q&A!
Please register in advance here. The webinar is pending AICP CM credits.
For more information, please contact Cassidy Boulan at cboulan@dvrpc.org.
Youth-Run Grant Program Promotes a Healthy Camden

Four community projects in the City of Camden received funding through a youth-led “mini-grant” program. DVRPC staff worked with members of the Camden Youth Advisory Council to develop the program, which is funded by Campbell’s Healthy Communities Initiative.
Projects each received a $5,000 “mini-grant.” The initiatives will improve access to healthy food, provide opportunities for youth development, and promote a positive view of Camden. They include a mentoring program with Virtua professionals; an internship program at a community farm; and educational and service programs in the evenings. See the press release for details about the selected projects and nonprofits. For more information about DVRPC’s healthy communities planning efforts, visit www.dvrpc.org/Health.
Open Call for the “Rack ’Em Up” Bike Parking Design Competition

The Philadelphia Parking Authority and partner agencies, including DVRPC, are launching a design competition to reimagine bike parking in Philadelphia.
This friendly competition aims to promote innovation and creativity in the development of a bike corral design that maintains fire hydrant access. In this case, the bike corral would be placed in the parking lane rather than on the sidewalk to provide additional bike parking and pedestrian access. The sponsors are looking for out-of-the-box solutions to maximize the urban landscape and achieve multi-purpose use of existing space.
Participants are invited to develop and produce a prototype of an innovative bike corral design that preserves fire hydrant access and can be replicated and installed in locations throughout Philadelphia. The end goal for the competition is for the City to install two bike corrals as a pilot project.
Proposals are due September 1, 2021. To register for the competition and view the rules, design specifications, and prizes, visit rackemup.bike.
Recent Publications and Products

Frankford Avenue Multimodal Study – Building off issues and goals previously identified in the North Delaware District Plan, this study aims to support the neighborhood by improving multimodal access to local businesses and amenities. It recommends modifications on Frankford Avenue in Philadelphia to improve circulation and safety for all roadway users, including pedestrians, transit riders, bicyclists, and drivers.
Safe Routes to Transit: Morton – This study documents existing conditions around the Morton SEPTA Regional Rail Station and proposes a series of safety improvements for pedestrian and bicycle access to the station.
Fiscal Year 2022 Unified Planning Work Program (leer en español) – This document contains all of the planning projects to be undertaken by DVRPC during Fiscal Year 2022 along with related funding sources, as adopted by the DVRPC Board in January 2021.
Aircraft Operations Counting Program Methodology – This technical report documents the methodology for the DVRPC Aircraft Operations Counting Program, which uses acoustic counts of fixed-wing takeoffs to estimate operations at regional non-towered airports. Program results are used to monitor aircraft activity levels in the Delaware Valley and as a base for planning and forecasting documents.
Bristol Corridor Study: Preparing for Growth in Lower Bucks – This study examines the impact of the recently completed interchange between I-95 and I-276 (Pennsylvania Turnpike) on freight traffic and local mobility in Bristol Township, Bristol Borough, and the Lower Bucks County region. It also provides recommendations to address future constraints on the local transportation network.
Get to Know Our 2021 Summer Interns

This summer, twelve interns worked virtually alongside DVRPC staff across the Commission’s different departments. Our Communications Intern, David Edelman, interviewed nine of them about their backgrounds and their experiences at DVRPC this summer. Read on to learn more!
Which school are you currently or were you most recently enrolled in?
- Bridget Bozman, Accounting Intern: Actuarial Science at Saint Joseph’s University.
- Jiamin Tan, Transportation Modeling Intern: I am currently enrolled in the Master of City Planning program at Penn.
- Porter Crumpton, Transportation Planning Intern: Temple University's Community Development Program in the Tyler School of Art and Architecture.
- Dominic Jackson, Marketing Intern: I am a graduate from West Chester University with a Bachelor’s of Science in marketing.
- Fiza Akram, Transportation Planning Intern: I am currently enrolled in a Bachelor’s of Science in Economics program at Drexel University.
Why did you apply for an internship at DVRPC?
- Chelsea Zhang, Transportation Planning Intern: I wanted to gain experience in transportation planning but also wanted to do some public engagement work, so I found my current internship to be a perfect fit. Plus I’ve heard a lot of good things about working at DVRPC from my professor and my friends!
- Fiza: I applied to DVRPC because I have a strong interest in economic development and the environment. I wanted an internship that would allow me to further develop my analytical skills while learning more about these topics.
What has been your favorite project or experience as a DVRPC intern?
- Olivia Lamborn, Transportation Planning Intern: My supervisors and I have been conducting a Road Safety Audit (RSA) in Camden, and it’s been really refreshing to go out and do the studies in-person—being out in the “real world” has undoubtedly felt like the most rewarding project thus far. I had the opportunity to meet lots of other transportation planners and community leaders in Camden, which was a really great experience.
- Will Friedrichs, Transportation Planning Intern: I’ve really enjoyed my most recent project, which has been looking at a database of public comments on traffic and transit in the Philadelphia area and seeing how well we and other organizations have done responding to them.
- Dominic: I have had the best experience working on data analytics for our online advertisements with some great teams and individuals.
What’s the most important thing you’ve learned from interning at DVRPC?
- Jiamin: Real-life problems and data are complicated. Unexpected problems can come up at any time. I learned to be more patient and more creative when solving those problems.
- Fiza: I've learned that it is important to be open-minded, flexible, and reach out to as many people as possible to learn about the work they're doing.
What’s your dream job and why?
- Amani Bey, Planning Intern: My dream job is Project Manager to a system of cooperative community wellness centers that provides community planning, gardening, physiotherapy, and so much more!
- Chelsea: Filming a documentary that educates people about the importance of urban density and raises awareness in urban issues.
- Porter: My dream job is to be a transportation planner. I've been interested in buses and trains from a very young age and I'd like to use what I learned to benefit the communities I grew up in.
What’s your favorite place in the Greater Philadelphia region?
- Chelsea: Longwood Gardens is my favorite “touristy spot”. My roommates and I also liked walking around near Rittenhouse Square whenever we got stressed during exam seasons!
- Bridget: My favorite place would have to be the Philadelphia Zoo. When I was a kid, my family had season passes and I always enjoyed going to see the animals.
- Will: I really like my neighborhood, Spring Garden. It’s close to Center City and has great transit access to University City via bus, and it’s not busy enough to be overwhelming for a suburban kid like me!
What do you like to do for fun?
- Olivia: This past year, my sister and I fell into the world of rug making, also known as tufting, which is a craft that seems to have gone viral thanks to TikTok and other social media platforms. I also like other mediums of fiber arts, such as embroidery, punch needling, and sewing. It’s been my one hobby that’s kept me sane all of quarantine!
- Will: I have a lot of fun playing Frisbee golf at Sedgley Woods Disk Golf Course on weekends, and have been getting into some multiplayer computer games like Age of Empires II and Terraria with my college friends that have since moved all over the country. I also play piano when I find the time!
What have you been most excited to start doing again this summer?
- Bridget: Definitely travelling and having it be a better experience. I’m still waiting to use flight credits I have from a cancelled trip to Europe and I’m excited to pick somewhere to go!
- Amani: As the country reopens, I am very excited to resume volunteering as a tutor, attend live comedy performances, and travel to national parks!
Interested in becoming an intern at DVRPC? Check back soon for our fall internship opportunities at dvrpc.org/humanresources/internships.