January 24, 2025
DVRPC LINK, a new web-based tool, is designed to assist planners, advocates, and decision-makers in understanding the potential connectivity benefits of building or improving bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure in the Greater Philadelphia region.
DVRPC is excited to announce the release of DVRPC LINK, a web-based tool designed to assist planners, advocates, and decision-makers in understanding the potential connectivity benefits of building or improving bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure in the Greater Philadelphia region. By visualizing the impact of new facilities, LINK provides valuable insights to help communities, transportation planners, and decision makers plan safer and more effective active transportation networks.
LINK builds on previous DVRPC work, including the connectivity analysis performed for DVRPC’s LTS analysis. LINK uses the LTS network and provides project-specific information, rather than a regional connectivity index.
With LINK, users can draw or upload proposed bicycle or pedestrian facility locations to analyze their connectivity impacts. The tool estimates the number of people, jobs, services, and amenities that would be newly connected by these improvements, offering data-driven insights for prioritizing projects.
Key features of LINK include:
- Interactive planning: Users can test scenarios by drawing new facilities or improvements directly on the map.
- Data-driven analysis: Estimates the potential connectivity benefits for people, jobs, and key destinations.
- Connectivity focus: Helps identify projects that connect the greatest number of users.
By supporting thoughtful planning and data-driven decision-making, LINK empowers users to design infrastructure that connects the greatest number of people to jobs, services, and opportunities.To explore LINK, visit DVRPC LINK. If you have any questions, contact Sarah Moran at smoran@dvrpc.org.