Staff Profile: Gregory Diebold, Planning Data Analyst, Office of Long-Range Planning

by Amy Solano, Communications Intern

June 25, 2024

Get to know Planning Data Analyst Gregory Diebold.

What did you want to be growing up? Growing up I wanted to be both a novelist and a meteorologist.

What was your first job? I worked for a nonprofit in a role similar to a camp counselor as part of New York’s free summer meals program. 

What did you study in college? Human Geography

What are your responsibilities at DVRPC? I primarily work on socioeconomic and land use data projects. Currently, I am focused on updating the population and employment forecasts for the region.

What is your favorite part of working at DVRPC? I really enjoy the regional level of planning and working with kind, smart, and passionate people.

What is something colleagues don’t know about you? I am an avid supporter of Gotham FC, the NJ/NY based National Women’s Soccer League team. I attend as many home games as possible.

What is your favorite leisure activity? Running in the Wissahickon or Fairmount Park.

What is your recent obsession? I recently acquired an old ice cream maker and have been developing my own ice cream recipes to varying degrees of success.

What are your Top 3 places you want to travel to? Tokyo, Mexico City, and Nova Scotia/Newfoundland

What are you looking forward to the most in the next year? I am starting to feel settled in Philadelphia after moving here in January. I look forward to growing my friendships here and exploring more of the city and region.

Long-Range Plan

Air Quality Partnership
Annual Report
Connections 2050
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
Economic Development District