Mobility Analysis and Design

Completed Mobility Analysis and Design Studies Database

DVRPC is committed to the region-wide promotion and implementation of a safe, convenient, and seamless multimodal passenger and freight transportation system. The Office of Mobility Analysis and Design supports the DVRPC long-range plan, Connections 2050, and the Congestion Management Process (CMP). Projects focus on developing solutions that will increase accessibility and mobility, improve safety, and enhance the quality of life along transportation corridors and sub-areas in the region. Mobility Analysis and Design studies provide direction for transportation decisions based on analysis of transportation performance measures and public participation.

Mobility Analysis and Design Studies and Programs

Complete Streets Implementation Support for Burlington County

Burlington County is interested in improving its bicycle network, providing safe connections across the County. Through this program, DVRPC conducts capacity analysis along selected corridors and develops recommendations to make the street more complete and safe for all road users. The following County roads have been or will be analyzed:

  • Broad Street/CR 543, from Reed Street to Pavilion Ave
  • Church Street/CR 607, from Church Road to Fellowship Road

Contact: Thom Stead,

Complete Streets Resurfacing Program

The DVRPC/PennDOT Connects Complete Streets Resurfacing Program aims to identify roads for potential investment to increase safety for all road users as part of regularly scheduled PennDOT resurfacing projects. Learn more about the City and suburban programs here.

Contact: Sarah Moran,

Delaware County Trail Crossing Study

In collaboration with the Delaware County Planning Department, DVRPC analyzed where existing and future trails intersect with major roads, highways, or railroads. This study examined several trail crossing types and developed recommendations to ensure safe crossing opportunities for trail users of all ages and abilities. This resource will be available soon.

Contact: Kendra Nelson,


DVRPC LINK is a web-based tool that helps users understand the potential connectivity benefit of improving or building new bicycle or pedestrian facilities. Users can draw or upload locations of potential bicycle or pedestrian facility improvements to view the resulting connected areas and the estimated number of connected people, jobs, services, and other amenities.

Contact: Sarah Moran,

Mercer County Multimodal Intersection Analysis

As part of the Mercer County 2020 Bicycle Master Plan, recommendations for bicycle facilities are considered for every county route segment. These bicycle facilities are anticipated to serve as key elements in the local network and enhance connectivity for cyclists throughout Mercer County. The plan's goal is to re-stripe county roadways with bicycle lanes when they are due for repaving. However, connecting the proposed bicycle lanes through major intersections presents significant safety and connectivity challenges.

In conjunction with the Mercer County Planning Department, each fiscal year, DVRPC conducts a Multimodal Intersection Analysis to identify safe design improvements. The following county road segments have been or are being analyzed:

  • Cass Street between NJ Route 129 and Broad Street
  • Whitehead Road (CR 616) between Lakedale Drive and Sweet Briar Avenue (CR 649)
  • Clarksville Road (CR 638) between Heather Drive and Princeton-Hightstown Road (CR 571)
  • Arena Drive (CR 620) between Central Avenue and Gropp Avenue;
  • Edinburg Road (CR 535) between Paxson Avenue and Hughes Drive;
  • Parkside Avenue (CR 636) between Olden Avenue (CR 622) and Pennington Road (NJ31).

Contact: Kelsey McElduff,

Pottstown Area Regional Plan Development: Safe Routes to School

Safe routes for students to walk and bike to school provide excellent opportunities to increase active transportation in communities. DVRPC is supporting the Pottstown Metropolitan Regional Planning Committee (PMRPC) in assessing existing connections to schools in the Pottstown region. DVRPC and PMRPC will engage school communities and develop recommendations to increase the safety and comfort of connections for those who walk and bike. The project also identifies grant opportunities and provides information required to apply for them, helping PMRPC, school districts, schools, and municipalities implement the recommendations.

Contact: Kendra Nelson,

Vision Zero Corridor Analysis: Hunting Park

Vision Zero is a strategy to end all traffic-related deaths and severe injuries by making streets safe for all who use them, from pedestrians and bicyclists to drivers and riders of public transit. The City of Philadelphia has adopted a Vision Zero Action Plan that aims to eliminate traffic deaths by 2030. As part of this effort, DVRPC studied Hunting Park Avenue from Old York Road to Wissahickon Avenue, which the City identified as a top priority for safety improvements due to its high rate of severe crashes.

The study team conducted extensive neighborhood outreach, research on existing planning efforts, a road safety audit, and a crash traffic analysis, all indicating the need for safety improvements on the corridor. Based on their findings, the team made a series of recommendations to improve safety, mobility, and community vitality for all street users. These recommendations were presented to a steering committee of city officials, community members, and the public during a pop-up event hosted at a local park. The final results are now available in Vision Zero: Hunting Park.

Contact: Kelsey McElduff,

Vision Zero Corridor Analysis: Wissahickon

Vision Zero is a strategy to end all traffic-related deaths and severe injuries by making streets safe for all users. The City of Philadelphia has adopted a Vision Zero Action Plan that aims to end traffic deaths by 2030.

To support this goal, DVRPC is studying Wissahickon Avenue from Hunting Park Avenue to Midvale Avenue, and on Midvale to W. Coulter Street. The City identified this area as a top priority for safety improvements because of the high number of severe crashes.

DVRPC will talk to people in the neighborhood, review current planning efforts, observe road safety issues, and analyze traffic crashes. Then we will suggest ways to improve safety, ease travel, and enhance life for all users. Get involved here!

Contact: Kendra Nelson,

Air Quality Partnership
Annual Report
Connections 2050
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
Economic Development District