Have you ever wondered how regional planning choices are made? Or how you or your organization can be part of the process? You can make your voice heard in the decisions that affect your community and region.
At DVRPC, we believe that planning must be done with the public rather than for the public. We know that our decisions affect the future of all those who live and work in our region; we are committed to understanding your diverse needs and concerns, and to learn from your experiences. Through a constructive dialogue, residents, subject matter experts, and decision makers can share their opinions and shape a vision for neighborhoods, communities, counties, and the region. Whether you are interested in environmental issues, are an avid bicyclist, or are someone who uses our region's roadways and transit system, we want you to get involved.
Sign Up For DVRPC's Mailing Lists
DVRPC maintains a number of mailing lists, from the monthly newsletter to receiving public notices about public comment periods and funding opportunities.
DVRPC Calendar
Most of DVRPC's meetings are open to the public. Many of our partners hold conferences, educational events, and workshops on planning-related topics. Visit our Partners Calendar for more information.
DVRPC Committees
One of the primary roles of DVRPC is to bring public input into different areas of regional planning. We have several committees that address specific topics in transportation, economic development, air quality, housing, climate change, goods movement, and other issue areas. Visit the standing committees here.
Committee meetings are open to the public to attend. Translation, interpretation, or other auxiliary services can be provided to individuals who submit a request at least seven days prior to a public meeting. If interested in joining a committee, please email public_affairs@dvrpc.org for more information.
Current Outreach Opportunities
DVRPC undertakes outreach in a variety of ways for a range of transportation-related activities, geographically-focused plans, and other initiatives. Current outreach opportunities are available on our EngagementHQ microsite. You can register to stay informed about specific projects or for all the various outreach activities we undertake during the year.
Public Participation Task Force
DVRPC's Public Participation Task Force is a group comprised of individuals selected from the general public, community and civic organizations, advocacy groups, professional associations, and the private sector to inform DVRPC's Board and staff of local issues and challenges.
Title VI Compliance
DVRPC supports and fully complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act and other nondiscrimination mandates. Further DVRPC strives to not only meet these mandates, but to create an overall transparent, inclusive planning process.
Public Participation Plan
DVRPC's Public Participation Plan [0.6 MB pdf] was last updated and adopted by the DVRPC Board in July 2018. The Plan is designed as a resource for DVRPC’s staff, member governments and the general public to better understand the Commission’s overall public participation strategy and procedures, as well as the federal mandates that inform DVRPC’s plans, programs, and processes. The plan is also available in Spanish [0.6 MB pdf].
Public Notices
Public notices are formal announcements regarding opportunities for public input and comment on significant DVRPC policies and plans, such as the Long-Range Plan or the Transportation Improvement Program. All recent public notices are posted and archived here.
Send Us Your Comments
Please share your comments about DVRPC's projects, plans, and programs.
Public Comment on Board Actions
The public can comment on Board Action items using an online commenting application, in addition to commenting by mail, email, or in person at a Board meeting.
Helpful Information
Planning can be confusing, with professionals using many different acronyms and referring to laws and regulations. Additionally, different planning processes call for public participation at different points in decision-making. We have compiled several resources to help interested residents understand more about these acronyms, definitions, and planning processes.