ETA Next Steps and Other Resources

DVRPC will continue to work on projects geared toward implementation of the bridges and bold ideas identified in the ETA report.

Completed related projects, links, and descriptions are below.


LINK is a tool designed to assist in understanding the potential connectivity benefits of building or improving bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure in the Greater Philadelphia region. Users can draw or upload proposed bicycle or pedestrian facility locations to analyze their connectivity impacts. The tool estimates the number of people, jobs, services, and amenities that would be newly connected by these improvements, offering data-driven insights for prioritizing projects.


AccessScore is an analysis that assesses the infrastructure and demographic characteristics around transit stations that relate to how supportive of bicycling and walking the area is and how much bicycle and pedestrian activity could be occurring there.

Greater Philadelphia Pedestrian Portal

The Greater Philadelphia Pedestrian Portal shows where sidewalks, crossings, and curb ramps exist throughout the DVRPC Region, and where there are gaps. The “Explore” tab shows existing pedestrian infrastructure, while the “Analyze” tab shows where sidewalks are missing. Planners can use the portal to set targets for sidewalk network buildout, and sketch projects.

Air Quality Partnership
Annual Report
Connections 2050
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
Economic Development District