The CMP is useful for a wide variety of stakeholders, including interested citizens, engineers, and policy makers. It is a process to address congestion and it also results in reports, toolbox items, and other material. Some of the ways stakeholders may find it useful are:
If you are working on a corridor study...
The results of analysis, a map of each congested corridor, and appropriate strategies to mitigate congestion are available as a starting point in the report. The CMP is also an effective avenue to implement your adopted recommendations.
If your agency is developing a transportation project...
The report contains information on studies completed in each subcorridor and it will be regularly updated. In addition, federal regulations require that projects adding major single-occupancy vehicle capacity conform to the CMP to be eligible for federal funding. If such capacity is not listed as a subcorridor strategy, the proposed project must undergo quantitative analysis including the listed strategies and comparison of the results for the region as well as for the project area. Projects outside of corridors must demonstrate consistency with the Long Range Plan, and follow the CMP Procedures Technical Memorandum checklists. DVRPC staff is available to help refine the initial ideas for projects. It is the responsibility of project managers to review the CMP and contact DVRPC early in the process .
If you do transportation planning that affects the Delaware Valley...
Participate in studies, projects, plans, and updates of the CMP. Addressing congestion and meeting regional goals is an ongoing process and needs everyone's participation. Shape future updates of the CMP by communicating with your Advisory Committee members or by contacting DVRPC.