Implementing Municipal Water Quality Actions

This project is the implementation phase of a research and convening project that DVRPC led between 2015 and 2017. Through the research project (described in greater detail on this webpage), DVRPC worked with a panel of content experts and technical assistance providers to identify the types of support most effective in helping municipalities protect water quality across the Delaware River Watershed. A result was a set of 15 action plans: specific strategies that were identified as high-priority for helping municipalities with their water quality work. Beginning in 2018, DVRPC began the process of implementing some of these action plans.

Watershed Academy

Stakeholders identified DVRPC as an organization that could lead the development of a "Watershed Academy" action plan. The original vision for the Watershed Academy was a center composed of trusted water quality experts and educators. Participation in the Academy would be required or incentivized, and it would become a means to: a) provide water quality training for municipal staff and elected officials; b) provide training on state stormwater regulations for municipal planners and engineers; and c) conduct and synthesize research to establish scientific bases for ordinance standards.

The Watershed Academy concept has continued to evolve since 2017, and the format has changed from a physical center to a curriculum that education providers throughout the Delaware River Watershed could use.

New partners are welcome to join this effort in developing the "Watershed Academy" concept. DVRPC's most recent meeting was on July 12, 2018. DVRPC hosted a panel of trusted experts in municipal education, and attendees learned about and discussed the challenges and opportunities of providing educational resources to municipal leaders and staff, and discussed the feasibility of creating a "Watershed Academy." Additional meetings and conversations on this topic will be forthcoming.

Past Meetings

Date Agenda Minutes
July 12, 2018 Meeting Agenda [0.1 MB PDF] Meeting Minutes [0.1 MB PDF]