Transit Planning

The DVRPC region is served by nearly every mode of public transit, from historic trolleys along Girard Avenue in Philadelphia to the Amtrak Keystone Corridor. This multimodal public transit network remains a tremendous asset around which to anchor growth as we plan for a more sustainable future. Supported by the Federal Transit Administration, PennDOT, NJDOT, and our county and local governments, DVRPC staff participates in a variety of transit planning work on an ongoing basis, typically in coordination with or on behalf of our transit agency partners: SEPTA, NJ TRANSIT, and DRPA/PATCO. We support local transit planning efforts through data collection, specific planning projects, and the identification of emerging national and international best practices.

Planning Tools

To support effective transit planning, DVRPC develops planning tools to understand more about what is happening in the region and how to plan for the future. 


AccessScore is an analysis that assesses the infrastructure and demographic characteristics around transit stations that relate to how supportive of bicycling and walking the area is and how much bicycle and pedestrian activity could be occurring there. The analysis includes Regional Rail, light rail, trolley, and subway stations throughout the Philadelphia region with service provided by SEPTA, NJ TRANSIT, and PATCO.

Park & Ride Passenger Origins

In partnership with SEPTA and PennDOT, DVRPC has a longstanding program to assess public transit station market areas by surveying license plates of the vehicles that are parked at stations and mapping the addresses that are associated with those plates. By exploring the distribution of mapped records, one can get a sense of where a given station’s highest concentrations of park-and-ride customers are located, as well as typical drive-access distances.

Equity Through Access Map Toolkit

The Equity Through Access (ETA) project is an update to the region's Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan (CHSTP). This interactive web-based tool demonstrates disparities in access to essential services like hospitals, health clinics, recreational spaces, senior centers, and more in the Greater Philadelphia region.

Regional Transit Screening Platform

This platform contains a set of screening tools that shed light on public transit needs and opportunities in the DVRPC region. Use it to generate and evaluate ideas for service, operational, enforcement, and capital improvements that could be considered for further study.

Recent Publications & Products

DVRPC routinely publishes a number of transit specific studies.  Listed here are the most recent publications and products.

Planning for New Jersey Transit Bus Service Alongside Bicycle Facilities

As Complete Streets are implemented across New Jersey, New Jersey Transit and other transit agencies are looking to align their operations to improve the safety of bus operators, passengers boarding and alighting at stops, bicyclists, and pedestrians. This memo provides recommended street design, stakeholder communication, and operational strategies to reduce interactions between NJ TRANSIT buses and bicyclists.

Overbrook Intermodal Center

This study considers changes to station facilities that would be required to extend Trolley Route 10 from its current terminal to Overbrook Station and provide sufficient layover space for current and future bus needs. The concept design presented in this report includes improvements to station accessibility for riders with disabilities and recommendations for increased bicycle and pedestrian facilities. If implemented, the new station design and accompanying service changes are expected to contribute to accelerated growth in transit ridership at Overbrook Station.

A New Route to Better Travel for All: The Regional TDM Plan

This strategic plan is a working document that is intended to be the foundation for the solicitation, selection, and implementation of transportation demand management (TDM) work conducted in the bi-state DVRPC region.

Mobility Choices: Transportation Conversations in Three Black and Latino Communities in the Greater Philadelphia Region

The objective of this project is to better understand how people living in communities of color in the DVRPC region choose their mode of transportation, and what physical, social, or structural forces shape those choices. We did this by surveying in three communities: North Trenton, NJ; Norristown, PA; and Mantua/East Parkside neighborhoods in Philadelphia. The intent of this work is to develop a report and qualitative dataset that can be used by DVRPC and its regional partners to better understand the needs of these communities and inform decision making around future transportation programming and planning.

Trenton Complete Streets Design Handbook

The Trenton Complete Streets Design Handbook was created by the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission in collaboration with the City of Trenton, Mercer County, NJDOT, and additional community stakeholders. The handbook proposes a series of design treatments and overlays, along with implementation steps, to implement Complete Streets on a variety of different street typologies.


Below are programs where DVRPC staff provides technical assistance or guidance to local governments on a wide range of topics.

Philadelphia’s City Transit Plan 

DVRPC provides technical support for the implementation of Philadelphia's City Transit Plan. This includes close collaboration with City of Philadelphia transportation planning staff to identify, evaluate, and prioritize street-level improvements that will increase transit performance. DVRPC and City staff select a different study area or topic each year to develop detailed, actionable recommendations.

Coordinated Human Service Transportation Planning (CHSTP)

DVRPC is responsible for facilitating the CHSTP process for the Greater Philadelphia region. DVRPC's regional plan coordinates and prioritizes investments under three programs: Job Access and Reverse Commute (JARC) Program, New Freedom Initiative, and Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities. In 2016, the Equity Through Access (ETA) project was first published as DVRPC’s update of the region’s CHSTP. ETA seeks to improve economic and social opportunity in the region by expanding access to essential services for vulnerable populations - those who are more critically impacted by barriers and gaps in infrastructure, service coordination, and policies.

Transit-Oriented Development (TOD)

TOD is compact, mixed-use development within an easy walk of a transit station. Its pedestrian-oriented design encourages residents and workers to drive their cars less and ride mass transit more. DVRPC has developed a number of analyses that track existing TOD in the region and evaluate where it may be best to invest in this type of development. 

Safe Routes to Transit (SRTT)

This technical assistance program matches eligible municipalities and counties with DVRPC staff to navigate the often-complex process of designing and funding pedestrian and bicycle improvements around rail stations.

Funding Opportunities

Travel Options Program (TOP)

In 2020, DVRPC developed a formal and coordinated Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program for the nine-county Greater Philadelphia region. Through a biennial, two-part competitive search process, DVRPC seeks creative ideas that will reduce the number of single occupancy vehicles (SOVs) on the region’s roadways and improve accessibility to, and equity across, all modes of transportation.

Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Program (TASA)

The TASA Program provides funds to build pedestrian and bicycle facilities, improve access to public transportation, create safe routes to school, preserve historic transportation structures, provide environmental mitigation, and create trail projects that serve a transportation purpose while promoting safety and mobility. 

DVRPC Municipal Funding Guide

This guide is intended to assist local and county governments, community groups and nonprofit organizations in the Delaware Valley Region to identify federal, state, county, and private sources of funding for locally initiated planning and development projects. Funding opportunities are listed by program, category, and eligibility requirements.

Air Quality Partnership
Annual Report
Connections 2050
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
Economic Development District