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Parking Management
Regional PlanningRegional Planning

Parking management refers to a combination of policies and programs that result in more efficient use of existing parking resources. At the local level, parking strategies can help communities minimize congestion, foster economic development, preserve neighborhood quality of life, and protect natural resources. Some of the most effective parking management strategies include:

  • Revise parking standards to ensure that required parking supply does not exceed demand and is sensitive to the local context. In some cases, such as in TODs or historic villages, establishing parking maximums may be necessary.

  • Provide alternatives to conventional parking standards by allowing flexible parking provisions, such as shared parking, reserve parking, and fee-in-lieu parking.

  • Implement pricing or metering strategies in locations where the amount of available parking is scarce and/or parking turnover is desirable.

Other best practices include sustainable practices in parking design, use of recycled concrete and asphalt, pervious paving, stormwater best practices, heat-island prevention treatments, and redesigning existing parking lots to support walkability and improve aesthetics.