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Engaging Underserved Communities
Regional PlanningRegional Planning

It is important for municipalities to prioritize community engagement methods by recognizing the historical and current disparities experienced by underserved communities. The first step in engaging underserved communities is to identify the communities present and the needs they have. Most of the resources used in the community engagement tool can be used for engaging underserved communities but require specific considerations tailored to these populations. These may include translation services, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessible meeting spaces, provision of childcare, informational materials that are simple and easy to read, participation stipends, food and refreshments, meetings hosted at different times of day and co-led with community leaders, meetings hosted at trusted venues, and other methods that meet the equity concerns of the underserved populations. Additionally, any agency that receives federal funding should consider populations that are covered under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act and the Executive Order on Environmental Justice. For a summary of these guidelines from FHWA and Federal Transit Administration, refer to Equity Analysis for the Greater Philadelphia Region, DVRPC under Resources.