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Broadband Universal Access

Communities that will thrive in this century are those with the essential infrastructure needed for manufacturers, retailers, farms, and service industries to operate efficiently. This infrastructure includes the “internet superhighway,” with adequate bandwidth to run a business both today and tomorrow. Broadband creates new opportunities for start-up companies, entrepreneurs, and established businesses. It also opens the door for businesses to move into a community when the communications infrastructure in the city, village, or town has robust connection speeds that meet their needs. Unfortunately, lack of internet access can also lead a business to leave a community. Access to the internet has proven to be an engine that drives economic development; an essential component to improving public safety and public health; an absolute necessity for K-12 education; and integral to the 21st century world of online communications, entertainment, and information. Increased access can be paired with connected learning programs in schools and libraries for job seekers and the elderly. Connected learning programs are classes, campaigns, and provisions of electronic resources that target vulnerable and older populations to ensure they are able to access and use the internet and mobile technology to improve their quality of life.

In 2021, Governor Tom Wolf signed a law creating the Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority, an agency tasked with creating a cohesive, coordinated effort to bring high-speed internet service to underserved communities.