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DVRPC News: July 2020

Volume 42, Issue 1  |  July 2020


Last Chance to Include Your Vision in the Connections 2050 Long-Range Plan

Article 1 Work is underway on the Connections 2050 update to the region's Long-Range Plan and the visioning outreach is ending on July 15th.

Complete the Visioning Survey today or attend the last online workshop on July 14th. This is your last chance to share with DVRPC what you value and what your concerns are in the region. Your input right now will help identify key priorities in the future.

Share your ideas and you could win a $50 gift card to a local restaurant of your choice! DVRPC is giving out 20 gift cards until the July 15th deadline. See details here.


DVRPC Board Elects New Officers for FY 2021

Article 2 At the June DVRPC Board Meeting, new Board Officers were elected for Fiscal Year 2021. DVRPC’s Board Officers Include:

Chair: Councilman Mark Squilla represents Philadelphia City Council’s First District, and has served in that role since 2012.

Vice Chair: Mike Russo is the Assistant Commissioner at New Jersey Department of Transportation.

Secretary: Gina Burritt is a Public Outreach Specialist at A.D. Marble, and was appointed by Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf to the DVRPC Board.

Treasurer: Leslie Floyd is the Planning Director of Mercer County Planning Division.

DVRPC welcomes the new Board Officers and looks forward to their leadership and guidance in the upcoming fiscal year.


Trail Use Continues to Increase

Article 3 DVRPC’s permanent trail count data from May 2020 shows yet another month of increased trail use in the region compared to 2019. DVRPC has monitored trail use during the pandemic, recently reporting on trail increases in both March and April of this year compared to last year. In fact, data shows it’s been up since January 2020.

Trail use was up slightly over the three-day Memorial Day weekend, despite this year's stormy Saturday. As we’ve previously reported, trail use on lesser-used trails is also realizing significant increases. Over the Memorial Day holiday weekend for example, the Delaware River trail at Port Richmond trail saw a 132% in use over the weekend.

Find out more on DVRPC's Permanent Bicycle and Pedestrian Count web page for more details!


Public Comment Period Closing Soon for Draft Transportation Conformity Demonstration

Article 4 DVRPC is currently seeking public input on the Draft Transportation Conformity Demonstration for amendments to the Connections 2045 Long-Range Plan, FY2020 TIP for New Jersey, and Draft FY2021 TIP for Pennsylvania.

The Draft Conformity Determination is available for public comment until July 6, 2020 at 5 PM. Comments can be made online or through email at

A conformity determination is required to demonstrate that these proposed plans and projects conform to the federal Clean Air Act and that they will not negatively impact the region’s ability to meet or maintain federal air quality standards. The Draft Conformity Determination document is required due to amendments of regionally significant projects to the FY2020 TIP for New Jersey, as well as the anticipated adoptions of the Draft FY2021 TIP for Pennsylvania and Draft LRP Amendment.

More information about the document is available here:


Experts from DVRPC Committees Share Their Vision for 2050

Article 5 Planning for a post-COVID world means relocation decisions for people and businesses, future teleworking opportunities, and so much more. Last month, almost 100 subject matter experts participated in a special Connections 2050 Visioning Workshop for DVRPC committee members. Many participants value the diversity, walkability, and neighborhoods in the Greater Philadelphia area. However, what concerns them the most are the issues of poverty, affordability, and equity-driven policy and planning. Forces with the highest impact and greatest uncertainty are the digital revolution, rising inequality, and climate change. Many committee members see the future of Greater Philadelphia with safer schools, better transit, and healthier homes.

DVRPC standing committees advise the Board on regional issues, and are a resource to gather independent input on plans, policies, and projects. Multiple variables impact regional planning; therefore, planning for an uncertain future is more important now than ever.

Setting a vision for Greater Philadelphia in 2050 helps to identify key areas to consider as we start to plan for the future. Learn more at


New Product: Strategies for Greater Philadelphia's Retail Districts During COVID-19: Five P's that Aren't “Pandemic”

Article 6 The public health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic also led to an economic crisis, and the negative impacts on the region’s small businesses were acute and immediate. In response to the needs of our region’s small businesses, DVRPC created the “Strategies for Greater Philadelphia's Retail Districts During COVID-19: Five P's that Aren't ‘Pandemic’” social media campaign.

The Five Ps include: Pursue, Pivot, Pitch, Promote, and Plan. During the social media campaign, content was posted for each strategy. The content provided up-to-date COVID-19 related resources and ideas to help businesses adapt to, navigate, and plan to recover from the pandemic.

This new report consolidates the strategies and resources promoted throughout the campaign into one document, and ensures that they are formalized should they prove applicable again in the future. In addition, a technical assistance webinar on June 23 featured a panel of retail experts who offered guidance on how business and Main Streets can navigate through the recovery process. View the webinar recording here.

View the report and follow @DVRPC on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.


190 N. Independence Mall West, 8th Floor,
Philadelphia, PA 19106-1520
© Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission