As the metropolitan planning organization (MPO) for Greater Philadelphia, DVRPC has a host of information and resources available to assist you in understanding the regional planning process.
Planning Matters
Citizens are integral to the planning process. This recently updated document outlines the activities of DVRPC and include information on the structure of the Commission, the project and planning processes, DVRPC’s long-range plan and Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and how to get involved.
Planner's Methodology
DVRPC has developed a Planner’s Methodology to provide guidance to Commission staff in meeting Title VI and EJ mandates and structuring a public participation plan at the project- or study-level. This methodology sets a framework for developing individual public participation plans for specific projects, offers a “toolkit” of strategies, and offers instruction on how to utilize some of DVRPC’s analysis. This builds upon DVRPC’s philosophy and intent to place public participation and equity at the forefront of the Commission’s regional priorities.
Public Participation Plan
DVRPC's Public Participation Plan is an outline of the Commission's overall strategy for public participation and the policies employed by the agency to enable public involvement.
Acronyms List
A glossary of commonly used acronyms in planning and transportation.