Reviving Vine: Improving Multimodal Connections on Vine Street

Reviving Vine: Improving Multimodal Connections on Vine Street

Vine Street Local–the service road on either side of the Vine Street Expressway/I-676–presents both challenges and opportunities for the surrounding community.

Project Updates

Reviving Vine report released!

The final Reviving Vine: Improving Multimodal Connections on Vine Street is now available. DVRPC thanks all of the community members and stakeholders who contributed to this project.

Upcoming redevelopment projects, such as the Eastern Tower Community Center, Rail Park, and an improved 10th Street plaza have the potential to transform Vine Street into a vibrant and vital community hub. At the same time, many residents and visitors feel that Vine Street divides the community, expressing concerns about speeding, difficult crossings, and other issues.

Reviving Vine will evaluate options to increase neighborhood connections through multimodal, inclusive mobility improvements in and along the Vine Street corridor. The project has the following goals:

  • Develop traffic calming alternatives to the Vine Street local right-of-way, to mitigate speeding.
  • Develop concept plans and evaluate the feasibility of lane reconfiguration and other treatments.
  • Develop recommendations to facilitate safe transportation for all modes and users while supporting a vibrant community.