Data provided is derived from DVRPC 2045 Municipal-Level Population Forecasts in Five-Year Increments, adopted July 28, 2016.
As a part of DVRPC’s long-range planning activities, the Commission is required to maintain forecasts with at least a 20-year horizon, or to the horizon year of the long-range plan. DVRPC last adopted population forecasts, through the year 2040, in January 2012. Since that time, the Census Bureau has released the 2015 population estimates, and the region has continued to recover from the significant economic recession that officially began in December 2007 and ended in June 2009. Working closely with its member county planning staffs, DVRPC has prepared regional, county, and municipal-level population forecasts in five-year increments through 2045, using the 2015 Census population estimates as the base.
- Click the map to identify and view county and municipal-level Population Forecasts in Five-Year Increments from 2015 to 2045.
- To view and download more DVRPC Data visit the
Data Navigator.
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