DVRPC News: September 2011

Volume 33, Issue 3
September 2011
DVRPC Honors Regional Programs and Leaders
Each year, DVRPC recognizes leaders and programs that have significantly contributed to the unique character of the Greater Philadelphia region. On September 22, DVRPC presented awards to four local programs and one individual at the Commission's Board Retreat in Voorhees, NJ.
Recipients of this year's Regional Excellence Awards are:
Regional Leader of the Year: The Honorable Stephen Sweeney, President, New Jersey State Senate
The Honorable Louis J. Cappelli, Freeholder-Director, Camden County and DVRPC Board Chair, presenting to The Honorable Stephen M. Sweeney, President, New Jersey State Senate

Regional Transportation Program of the Year: South Street Bridge
James D. Ritzman, Deputy Secretary for Planning, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, presenting to the Honorable Clarena Tolson, Commissioner, Philadelphia Streets Department

Regional Environmental Program of the Year: Energy Works Program of the Metro Caucus
Ronald Henry, Pennsylvania Governor's Appointee to the DVRPC Board, presenting to Bucks County Commissioner and DVRPC Board Secretary, Diane M. Ellis-Marseglia

Regional Economic Development Program of the Year: Sustainable Business Network of Greater Philadelphia
The Honorable Joseph Hoeffel, Montgomery County Commissioner, presenting to Leanne Krueger-Braneky, SBN Executive Director

Regional Land Use Program of the Year: Franklin Commons, Phoenixville, PA
The Honorable Terence Farrell, Chester County Commissioner, presenting to Marian and Dave Moskowitz, Owners, Franklin Commons

To read more about the awardees and why they were chosen, click here.
Board Retreat Explores Shared Services
Almost 100 elected and appointed officials, business leaders, and citizen representatives gathered on September 22, for the 25th Annual Board Retreat, held at the Mansion in Voorhees, New Jersey.
DVRPC Board Chair and Camden County Freeholder-Director Louis J. Cappelli welcomed attendees and kicked off the day. A panel of speakers discussed best practices in shared services. Participating in the panel were: the Honorable Lori Grifa, Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs; Andy Lovell, Chief of the Gloucester County Emergency Medical Services; Tom Czerniecky, Manager of Evesham Township; and Steve Wray, Executive Director of the Economy League of Greater Philadelphia.
Following the presentation of the Regional Excellence Awards at lunch, participants met in smaller groups for breakout sessions.

Online Commenting Available for DVRPC Board Actions
DVRPC is excited to announce that the public can now review and comment on Board Action Items using a new online commenting application on our website.
Information related to Board Action items will be posted approximately 10 days before a scheduled Board Meeting. The online commenting feature will be live until 12:00 noon the day before the Board Meeting. The public may also submit comments:
- by U.S. Mail (c/o Public Affairs Office, DVRPC, 190 N. Independence Mall West, 8th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19106);
- by fax at 215-592-9125; or
- via e-mail at
In addition, members of the public may attend and comment at the Board meeting; to do so, please contact the Public Affairs office at 215-592-1800 or DVRPC staff will follow up on any questions or comments. All comments submitted will be forwarded to DVRPC Board members, and posted online with Board minutes, once approved.
Student Forum Fall Events Scheduled
This fall, DVRPC is hosting several events for local planning students, including a "Welcome Back" meet-up, a transportation planning seminar, and a panel discussion with human resource professionals from across the region.
Friday, September 30 at 4:00 p.m.
Philadelphia Center for Architecture
Students will have the opportunity to network, learn more about DVRPC, discuss their own work experience and coursework, and see the center's new exhibit: "Leverage: Strengthening Neighborhoods through Design." To RSVP, visit:
Friday, October 21 at 3:00 p.m.
DVRPC Conference Center
The Forum will focus on transportation planning and sustainability with guest speaker Erik Johanson, Strategy and Sustainability Planner at SEPTA. To RSVP, visit:
Friday, November 18 at 3:00 p.m.
DVRPC Conference Center
A panel of human resource professionals will discuss the current job market, interviewing and resume tips, and answer questions from students. Paul Smith, DVRPC's Director of Human Resources, will be moderating the panel. Interested students can RSVP here:
The Forum, which welcomes students from universities and colleges in the region, is the first to bring students from Pennsylvania and New Jersey together to discuss planning issues and innovations on a regional scale. To sign up for the Regional Student Forum mailing list, please contact Jane Meconi, Public Involvement Manager, at 215-592-1800 or For continuously updated news of interest to student planners in the region, visit
DVRPC Offers Free APA Webinars
Join DVRPC and partner organizations for a series of free events related to land use and planning. The series of American Planning Association (APA) audio/web conferences provide 1.5 CM credits for AICP members. For a full description of the topics, visit
Air Quality Partnership Recaps the 2011 Ozone Season
This summer, the DVRPC region experienced 13 days that violated the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for ozone. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), this number is down from 29 days that violated the NAAQS last summer.
Ozone levels are influenced by climate and localized weather conditions, as well as pollutant levels, so we must look at long-term trends for a more accurate vision of how air quality in the region is improving. However, this lower number of bad air quality days is encouraging when one considers the number of days that topped 90 degrees in June and July. This improvement in the region's air quality this summer is due to a number of complex factors, like reduced pollutant loads due to federal clean air regulations, a decline in economic activity, and a cool and wet month of August.
The long-term air quality trends show that regional air quality is improving. These statistics are good news for the over 200,000 children suffering from asthma in the Greater Philadelphia region, and should serve as encouragement for individuals and organizations in the region that take action everyday to improve air quality.
For more information and to receive email air quality alerts, please visit
DVRPC Transforms Parking Spot at Park(ing) Day
On September 16, DVRPC joined a number of businesses, nonprofits, architects, and citizens to transform metered parking spaces around Philadelphia into temporary public parks. The Commission's "park" was located on the 300 block of Market Street and featured a mini golf hole with a long-range planning theme. For more information on DVRPC's long-range planning efforts, visit

Regional Citizens Committee Chair to Participate in EJ Committee
Aissia Richardson, Chair of the Regional Citizens Committee has been appointed to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) Environmental Justice Advisory Committee (EJAC). The group will discuss EJ best practices and work to update PennDOT's Environmental Justice Plan.