Sustainable Skylines Initiative
What is it?

The Sustainable Skylines Initiative (SSI) is a locally-led, EPA-supported, public-private partnership to reduce air emissions and promote sustainability with the goal of healthier air, and a cleaner environment for local citizens, government and business. Participating communities work cooperatively with EPA and other partners to increase community participation and leverage resources.
The City of Philadelphia, PECO Energy Company, the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society and the Clean Air Council have joined the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission as charter partners in bringing the Delaware Valley a set of diverse projects aimed at improving air quality and enriching the broader environment in which we live. The projects dovetail with the City of Philadelphia Greenworks plan and support Mayor Nutter's vision of Philadelphia becoming the greenest city in the country.
What are Philadelphia's projects?
The Philadelphia SSI team has selected, through a consensus process, five projects on which to begin work. Of the seven SSI categories, they fall under: Energy and Climate; Fossil-fueled Engines and Motors; Community Livability; Land Use Transportation Strategies, and Innovative and Sustainable Practices. The five projects are:
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Campaign
To conduct energy audits of municipal buildings and develop case studies that detail the lessons learned. These case studies will provide a "how to" guide for local governments and municipalities to quantify their energy usage and identify ways to conserve energy.
Lawn Equipment Replacement Program
To create a lawn equipment trade-in program that provides consumers with rebates or discounted electric or push lawnmowers when they trade-in operational, gasoline-powered mowers or other equipment. The program will not only reduce landscape-equipment emissions, which are significant, but raise awareness of the impact of that kind of equipment in ozone and particulate matter pollution.
Anti-Idling Education
To initiate a public outreach campaign to overcome myths which perpetuate unnecessary idling, educate about the significant impacts of idling emissions and, encourage drivers to shut off their engines when stopped, even for a few minutes.
Corporate Support for a Tree Planting Program
To create a mechanism to fund expanded tree planting in the community in order to obtain the diverse green infrastructure benefits of urban trees. This program will work with the Pennsylvania Horticulture Society to reach out to business to secure tax-deductible funding for the TreeVitalize program. Some benefits of urban trees include urban heat island mitigation, stormwater management, air quality improvement, improvement in roadway safety and increase in property values.
Diesel Retrofits and Replacement
To expand and diversify the menu of options available in the area for fleets looking to implement green technology. Some initial projects are the replacement of diesel-fueled refuse trucks with natural gas-fueled trucks and electrifying ground support vehicles at Philadelphia's airport.
Presentations and Materials
January 31, 2011
- DVRPC Energy Efficiency Circuit Rider [0.2 MB pdf]
- Energy Efficiency for Municipalities [0.6 MB pdf]
- Managing Energy to Save Money [0.4 MB pdf]
- PECO Smart Ideas [0.8 MB pdf]
August 19, 2010
June 09, 2010
- PA Department of General Services
- University of Pennsylvania Green Purchasing
March 10, 2010
- Sustainability in PECO Energy
- Aqua America Green Fleet Initiatives
- Blue Mountain Recycling Transforming Waste
October 28, 2009
- AMTRAK Fuel and Energy Managment [0.3 MB pdf]
- DVRPC's Conenctions [0.6 MB pdf]
- SEPTA Sustainability Initiatives [1.5 MB pdf]
June 29, 2009
- EPA Sustainable Skylines [0.3 MB pdf]
- Green Airport [3.0 MB pdf]
- Green Ports Initiative [0.37 MB pdf]
- Business Support for Trees Program Matrix [0.02 MB pdf]
Press Materials
Launch Event Photos
Who can I contact for more information?
Sean Greene, Transportation PlannerDelaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
Phone: 215-238-2860
Fax: 215-592-9125
Bill Jones, EPA Region 3
Phone: 215-814-2023
Fax: 215-814-2101