10:00 a.m., July 11, 2017
Commission Office
The ACP Building - 8th Floor
190 N. Independence Mall West
Philadelphia, PA
For directions Call (215) 592-1800
Please Use Sixth Street Entrance
1. Call to Order – Chairman’s Comments
2. Deputy Executive Director’s Report
3. Public Comments on Agenda and Non-Agenda Items
4. Highlights of the June 13, 2017 RTC Meeting
5. DVRPC Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Actions
The dynamic nature of funding transportation improvements and the need to remain within financial constraint require amendments or modifications to the TIP. The following projects requires formal TIP Amendments or Modifications this month for the FY 2017 TIP for PA and the FY 2016 for NJ.
- PA17-48: US 422, Resurfacing (PM2), (MPMS #86924), Montgomery County – Cost Increase
- PA17-49: American Street Streetscape (TIGER), (MPMS #70243), City of Philadelphia – Cost Increase
6. Regional Trails Program Grant Awards
DVRPC staff will present three projects for Regional Trails Program grant awards. These projects will contribute to advancing key segments of the Circuit Trails in New Jersey.
7. DVRPC's Regional Sidewalk Inventory Project
To assist with planning efforts to help communities in the region become more pedestrian-friendly and accessible, DVRPC is developing a new regional sidewalk inventory and an online platform for a shared regional conversation on local and regional walkability. As this ambitious project launches, staff will introduce the activities that are planned for this project and inform RTC members on how they can become involved in the process.
8. Analysis Approaches for Vision Zero Philadelphia
By way of the Crash Analysis Standards and Recommendations work program project DVRPC staff conducted research and interviews with Vision Zero peer cities from the U.S. and abroad seeking data analysis methodologies to inform Philadelphia’s high injury network. Staff will present findings and show examples of the recommended approach.
9. City of Chester Green Stormwater Infrastructure Plan
The Chester City Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) Plan provides a framework for using GSI to infiltrate stormwater, reduce volume and flooding, protect water quality, and continue building a vibrant and resilient City of Chester. It is designed to assist city officials, decision-makers, community groups and residents of Chester City in better dealing with excess rainwater and stormwater runoff through the use of GSI techniques.
10. DVRPC Transit Planning Program Update and FY2018 Preview
Staff will update the committee on ongoing transit studies, including station area planning coordination with PennDOT for Keystone Line stations, and preview new FY2018 work that will be of regional interest, such as the multi-phase Regional Transit Priority Setting project.
11. DVRPC's FY18 Planning Work Program is Now On-Line
Staff will walk RTC members through accessing the Programs, Projects and other sections of the Planning Work Program.
12. One Minute Reports
RTC Members and guests will be invited to provide updates on the activities of their agencies.
13. Old Business and New Business
14. Meeting Adjournment
The next scheduled meeting of the RTC is Tuesday, September 12, 2017.