Since the 1970s, DVRPC has maintained a continuous forum for the public to participate in the regional planning process. This forum has taken various forms throughout the years to respond to the outreach needs of the public and the Commission. DVRPC's current ongoing forum for public involvement is the Public Participation Task Force (PPTF). The mission of the PPTF is to provide ongoing access to the regional planning and decision-making process, to review timely issues, to serve as a conduit for DVRPC information to organizations and communities across the region, to assist the Commission in implementing public outreach strategies, and empower residents to get involved in regional planning.
Members are chosen through an application process with the membership aiming to represent all the member cities and counties of the DVRPC region. DVRPC Board members can also appoint members to the PPTF. Task Force members serve a two-year term and may serve a maximum of two terms. In addition to geographic diversity, the PPTF strives to represent the racial, ethnic, cultural, gender, age, education, and economic diversity of the region, with members from throughout Greater Philadelphia bringing their own individual experiences to the planning table. PPTF members represent the interests of one or more of the following:
- regional civic associations
- the physically or intellectually disabled
- minority groups
- Limited English Proficient (LEP) populations
- transportation or transit advisory groups
- low-income individuals
- older adults
- affordable housing organizations
- environmental groups
- environmental justice groups
- public health organizations
- bicycle or pedestrian advocacy groups
- youth programs
- community development organizations
- economic development organizations
- private sector business organizations
- ethnic organizations
Current Task Force Membership List [0.1 MB pdf]
Apply to be a PPTF Member Today!
Interested in the work of the PPTF? We are now accepting applications from the Delaware Valley region for new members.
The purpose of this application is to help DVRPC create a diverse, engaged body to address regional planning and public participation issues in the nine-county DVRPC region.
Selected members will serve a two-year term, renewable for a second term. An orientation for new Task Force members will be scheduled. This mandatory orientation will educate members about the function of the Task Force, and provide background on DVRPC. Task Force meetings are held approximately every six weeks in DVRPC's Conference Center in Center City Philadelphia. A modest per-meeting stipend is offered to Task Force members to reimburse travel costs associated with attending meetings.
Elected officials are not eligible to serve as at-large members of the Task Force because we are striving to engage citizens who do not always play a role in the planning process. As an elected official, you may actively participate in other DVRPC plans and programs.
If you have any questions, please contact Shoshana Akins, Manager Public Participation Planning, at 215-238-2817 or
PPTF Meeting Procedures
All PPTF meetings are open to the public to attend. The following meeting procedures are in place:
- Meeting dates, times, and locations will be announced on the DVRPC website.
- Meeting agendas will be posted on the DVRPC website at least five business days prior to the meeting.
- Meeting highlights will be posted on the DVRPC website within 10 business days of the meeting.
- DVRPC does not permit videotaping or audiotaping at its committee meetings. Taping is permitted only at DVRPC’s Board meeting; please inform staff of your intention to do so.
Public Attendance of PPTF Meetings
- The public is invited to attend PPTF meetings and is expected to maintain standards of civility in their conduct.
- Please RSVP to if you would like to attend a meeting. Include your name and the date of the meeting you would like to attend.
- If you would like to be notified of the PPTF meetings, please sign up for the DVRPC email list and choose the option "Public Participation and Public Notices".